Meeting most of the pack

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Morgan's POV

I woke up and went downstairs and headed into the kitchen. I decided to make crepes, bacon, fruit salad, and orange juice. I decided to fill the crepes with whipped creme, and put strawberries and chocolate sauce on top. Then I heared someone come downstairs. It was Emily and she came into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Emily:" Good Morning Morgan."

Me:" Good Morning Emily. How was your sleep?"

Emily:" Good, so what are you making this morning?"

Me:" Crepes, bacon, fruit salad, and orange juice."

Emily:" Sounds divine."

Me:" Yeah, so is Sam joining us for breakfast?"

Emily:" No, he is out with friends."

Me:" Oh, well I hope he makes it for dinner."

Emily:" Me too."

I finished making breakfast and put it on the table. We started eating. After I finished eating I went upstairs into my room. I headed to the shower and did my business. I put on a stripped jogger, a coral double layer festival crop top, and white NIKE Air. I straighted my hair and headed back downstairs. I saw Emily on the couch watching T.V.

Me:" Hey Emily I'm going to wall around for awhile."

Emily:" No stay!"

Me:" Why?"

Emily:" Because, we need to talk about your birthday next week."

Me:" Ok what do you want to talk about my birthday?"

Emily:" What do you want for your birthday?"

Me:" I don't know?"

Emily:" Let's talk about it."

I wonder why Emily doesn't want me to go outside?

Emily's POV

I really don't want Morgan to go outside, because Sam and the pack found vampires hanging around lately.. So I had to make up a excuse so she wouldn't leave. So I asked her about her birthday, and after that we might talk about the other side of her family. We talked about her birthday and we decided that we will have a small party. We ate lunch and talked about the other side of her family. I found about her dad lived on rezervations too, and he is a leader.

Morgan's POV

After Emily and I talked for awhile I decided to make dinner. I decided to make spaghetti and meat balls , bacon brownies(A/N they are awesome.) and lemonade. Emily helped a little. We are having a lot of sister bonding time and I love it. We were finished making the food and placed it on the table and started setting the table when a bunch of hot shirtless guys came in with a girl and a older man. The older man must be Sam. They were talking about something until they saw me. One of the guys was staring at me he is really hot. Sam came over to me and gave me a hug and let go. He then spoke.

Sam:" Hi you must be Morgan. It's very nice to finally meet you. I'm Sam."

Me:"It's nice to finally meet you Sam."
Sam:"Well let me introduce you to the pa- I mean my friends. This is Quil, Embry, Jacob, Seth, and Leah.We are missing Paul, but you will probley meet him tomorrow."

I waved at everybody looked at Jacob agian. Then Jacob spoke up.

Jacob:"You look formilyer."

Me:" Really? Where have you seen me at?

Jacob:" You look like this model I have seen."

Jacob went to a table and got a NIKE magazine and flipped through it until he stopped at a page. He looked at the magazine and then at me.

Jacob:" You are a model?!"

He showed me the picture it was me in a NIKE sport bra, NIKE booty shorts, and shoes with football in my hand ready to throw.

Me:"Yep that's me."

Jacob:" Wow."

Leah was giving me looks. Then Emily came over and said.

Emily:" Morgan these are your cousins Leah and Seth."

I gave Seth and Leah a hug, but Leah and I didn't really touch each other.

Why does this girl hate me and she doesn't even know me. We all headed to the table and started eating we all ate like 4 plates a piece. Emily just had one plate.

Embry:" Emily you did an amazing job on this."

Emily:" Well I didn't make it Morgan did."

Embry:"You made this?!"

Me:" Yep."

Embry:" Wow, cooking must be in y'all's family, because both of you can cook."

Me:" Well thanks."

We finished eating and we headed to the living room. I got to learn more about these people, and they are really cool. I ws sitting next to Jacob and had my head on his shoulder. He smells really good. I decided to head to bed.

Me:" Night guys."

Them:"Night Morgan."

I headed upstairs into my room and changed into I ♥ Cali Pj's. I got into bed and thought. I know they are werewolves I can tell, but I won't tell them that I know yet. I might tell them tomorrow or some other time. I layed there for awhile tell I fell asleep.











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