Chapter 20

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My heart raced as I paced the perimeter of my dressing room. Alex balanced the baby on his hip as they stood behind me. This was my first time in the limelight since having Emilia and I couldn't believe I was so nervous. All I had to do today was talk to Ellen Degeneres about the anniversary of Scrappy Little Nobody. But as I looked between the ground and my daughter, I couldn't help but think it was the hardest thing in the world. Of course, after having gone through labor.

"You'll be fine, bunny. Just a couple minutes of your life and then it's over" Alex assured me.

I anxiously nodded my understanding, but I wasn't sure how much I believed him. What if in all my time away, I forgot how to act during an interview? I felt as if I needed a sign from the universe. Two minutes later, Zac called to wish me luck. I breathed a sigh of long, overdue relief upon hearing his voice. I didn't know whether it was because we had been together so long or he just knew me really well, but already it seemed he could sense something was wrong; just by the depth of my breathing.

"Where's the fire, babe?" He asked with a chuckle.

"No, no fire. I'm just really thankful to hear your voice" I said, attempting to hide my fear.

"There's no need to be nervous about this interview, sweetheart. It's nothing you haven't talked about before. The world probably just wants to know how your life has changed since then. Enter Emme" Zac responded.

"You're probably right. I love you so much" I sighed.

"I love you too. Now, go kill it" Zac replied confidently just before we simultaneously hung up.

My heart jumped as Ellen's producer lightly knocked on the door before entering. Three fingers were held up, signalling that I had three minutes to go before I was on. I then straightened out my dress and stood from my chair; my arms held out for Emilia to lean forward. I figured there was only one way for me to make it through this interview. I needed the help of a 9 month old to achieve this state of calm.

"Okay, cupcake. Just know that I'm doing this for you and I love you so much. Can mommy have a kiss?" I asked, puckering my lips as he cue.

The baby stared at me blankly. She furrowed her brows in concentration as she tried her best to mess with my halo braid. Her round, preaches and cream face reddened in frustration as she realized she was unable to do so. Eventually she settled for leaning into me with her mouth slightly open; her version of a kiss hitting my foundation covered cheek.

"Thank you, baby. Now you be good for Alex while mommy talks about how sweet you are" I said just as Ellen was a minute away from announcing my name.

"Our next guest stars in the wildly successful Pitch Perfect movies. Please welcome back, Anna Kendrick" the older blonde announced in that timelessly upbeat way of hers.

I found it strangely and torturously fitting that they chose to play The Cups Song during my entrance. As Ellen and I met in the middle for a quick hug, she told me she could sense my nervousness. Thankfully, it wasn't something the raging studio audience heard. My hands immediately thought to play with my hair as I sat down. But then I was quick to remember the way in which it was styled.

"Hey, Anna. It's been a long time since anybody's seen you. Have you been hiding? Do you not like us anymore?" The beloved talk show host asked, using her signature version of sarcasm to ease my mind.

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