Self Confidence

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Ok you are probably not going to like what I have to say at all but it doesn't matter this is my wisdom and I'm trying to help others.

1. Get a snap chat, now I know what are you thinking, why should I do that? Well it's quite simple, most people use it and even then it's multiple times a day where you can talk to each person you snap. Talk to them, ask questions, how you learn to care about yourself is through others. Also it makes you look at yourself, when you look at yourself, you start to be like, this is how I look instead of what the fuck is that. It's like listening to your own voice, it's like looking at other people because the more you look at them the more you are like, that's just what they look like. I could literally write a book about how snap chat is awesome if done right and why almost all other social medias are terrible no matter how you use them. Talking to people multiple times a day makes you care for them and vice versa, even if someone hurts you if they talk to you multiple times a day they care. Also even if people purposely break streaks they can still care, apparently it's a tatic used by people to try and get the other person to care more. 

2. Don't be clingy, being clingy is the worst thing you can possibly do. Here is why, when you are clingy you become a burden, look inside yourself to answer your own problems, here's is the thing is that every person is born amazing. Here is why, can you breathe the answer is hopefully yes because even one breath requires millions of tiny living cells to work together. You are a miracle, you are literally a scientific miracle at work. You don't need to get reinsurance from others. You need to realize that you are amazing and that you are beautiful. You will find someone that loves you if you are a good person and if you aren't, good thing you got time to learn how to be one. But just know that you are beautiful and can solve your own problems. Try talking to a guardian that cares for you or a friend, even an online one if you can't solve your own problems. Because I can promise you there are solutions and if you don't know anyone who can I help, I will help you, pm me it may take a while for me to respond though.

3. Eat more but eat healthier: guess what i learned. If you don't eat you don't get skinny at first, you actually get fatter. If you eat healthy then you get skinnier, if you really care about this, then buy fruit , but vegetables, buy chicken (no one likes chicken its all about seasoning and the protein it provides) because I can attest for this from my girlfriends diet (also a body builder I talked to told me about this when I asked him the best way to look good) that it makes you look like a real life super model. Like honestly she is stunning but when I first met you it didn't start out that way she worked at it, literally the only fat she has left is on her waist down but that is cause she plays soccer and i don't know how much is fat and she basically eats that other healthy meats like turkey, also she will have ice cream occasionally even though she is lactose intolerant so it's not like you have to eat only healthy, I certainly don't. Also protein, makes you feel good, just find a tasty way to cook it. 

4. Join something: the best thing I ever did was join a community that wasn't online. Go play basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, doesn't matter, ask someone to teach you. Learn how to do it and go out there and do it, even if you suck. Moving makes you feel better, and here is the thing sports suck, but it's the complexity that makes them fun. It's not maticulous, you don't spend hours on one play, you spend like 10 seconds and it feels as satisfying as writing a book chapter for 30 minutes. Join a recreational  league, a club, intermurrals if you are in college. If you want to get good at basketball google "attention to detail Kobe Bryant" click on the video it's awesome, helps you dominate and feel good because you are out thinking and out smarting others. Then go out and test it, then learn some more, google some more. It makes you feel good about how you play and it gets you in way better shape. Those people are usually really positive and will rub off on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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