1| Runaway

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*ringtone of choice:) ring ring*

I pick up the phone

Jared: Uh, Hello Y/N, can you come in?

You: Yeah, why?

Jared: Dr Murphy left.

You: Um, what why!?!?

Jared: Y/N, I cant tell you.

You: No, I am coming to the hospital and you are gonna tell me everything.

I hang up and grab my keys and purse, I full on sprint out my door locking it checking it then sprinting to my car.

~Pulling up at the hospital~

I get out of my car, pressing the lock button, I jog to the hospital.

'Dr L/N-'

'Where is Jared?'

She nods behind me, to which I turn around to see him, 'What happened with Shaun, and I swear to god if you don't tell me or feed me some lie I will rip your lungs out, stomp on them then put them back in. ' I saw him gulp, 'Dr Glassman true to force him to therapy and Shaun was crying and he hit Glassman and walked away. ' I could easily tell he summarized it, 'I'm gonna go find him.' before Jared could say anything I was gone.

Where would Shaun go?

Where would he go?

This was a big hospital there is no way Im gonna find him.

Utility room

now catching my breathe, I open the door that leads me to a pile of stairs then the Utility room.

I walked calmly down the stairs, heart still beating abnormally fast.

Why do I care so much?

Do I like Shaun?

Of course I do he is my friend.

He cares about me.

Know that for a fact.

He is cute.

He is pretty.

He is nice.

He is worth everything.

All the pain from the past people.

Thoughts kept bounding my mind, I pushed them away and kept walking down the stairs. I walked through the isles of shelfs, my eyes darted to a door, the light was on unlike the other ones, I stepped towards it the light shined from the bottom of the door. I opened it, the walls orange and tiled, it was quite a large room, I saw Shaun sitting there his eyes kept trying to gaze into mine but quickly darting to the book in his hands, next to him was a flipped over bucket, it held his phone and a cloth, on top was a toy scalpel, the one he held often, the one he took everywhere, the one his brother gave him. He quickly grabbed it, running his pointer finger along the blade part his face becoming a light shade of pink, he set the book down, he began rocking back and forth, he ruffled his hair with his other hand. He was acting similar to a wild animal, trying to protect himself but also trying to warn me to stay away. He whispered that it was okay over and over again like a ritual, i had seen him do this, a stressful, nervous habit.

I inched closer to him, his eyes stared at my legs not daring to look anywhere else. I moved his book to a table on the other side of the room, he sat up straighter then before, trying to get up, I quickly run over to him, I sit on his lap, resisting his movements, first instincts.

'Can you tell me everything that happened today?' his eyes traveled to my shirt, looking at the pattern. 'D-dr. Glassman said I needed a therapist, I told him I wanted to make my own decisions, he tried to force me to go and I hit  him and went to my apartment got some stuff and then I went here.' I press my lips together, he actually told me, he didn't tell me what else happened, just what was on his mind.

'Shaun, you don't have to go to a therapist, you don't need one, you are perfect the way you are.' I wrap my arms around his waist hugging him, he quickly wrapped his around me too, catching me by surprise.

There is gonna be a part two but I'm lazy and don't have inspiration to finish it :)

Dr Shaun Murphy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now