Letters to Lindsay

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Dear Lindsay,

Today is my first time writing to you. I decided to start writing today because it hit  me. I am leaving. You know I knew was leaving  months ago, but I finally notice. Everything is now starting to become my last; My last soccer game, My last grade I will be in at our school, My last time to go to the movies. Everything will be my last, until my last time seeing this place. Then....I start a new life... I guess.

To be totally truthful Lindsay, I am scared I am just not going to be able to fit in. What if I cant find my group of people like you and me. Remember that kid in our AP classes,  who recently moved from California. Did  you notice that he just became friends with everybody here instantly? He just "poof" started talking and socializing to people on the first day he was here.First of all, That's not going to be me. This might surprise you, but I am extremely shy. I feel like a baby bird. Someone telling me to fall out of my nest, and instead of hitting the ground, I will start to fly. Even though it feels like their feeding me with lies, I have to try anyways.

I going to miss everything here. The smell of my house, you, school, my other friends, and yes, somehow I will even  miss the stupid, Ignorant, faith in humanity cracked quotes from our lovely 4th period. (How much does a Teepee weigh?) Am I sad about this? Well I  never really stopped and looked at how my time here is slowly decreasing ever second of every hour of every day before. Now that I have, I am crushed.

So Lindsay her is what I had to tell you today,

              You Friend, Maddie

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