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This is it. Game 3 of the Finals, the day where we WILL take home the crown to Katipunan. I remember what Coach Tab told us like 5 minutes ago:

"You men better listen, I know that you guys are dissappointed in yourselves but don't let all that pressure build up on you. I want you to use it as a weapon against La Salle. And as for the referees.... You have to play above them. You have to think better than them. Lastly, BELIEVE that you can do it. Your confidence comes from deep within not from what you are on the outside. SO LET'S GET THAT CHAMPIONSHIP. ONE TWO THREE"


So here I am in the sidelines as they are interviewing some people before the games starts, meditating. I know it's kind of a Lady Eagle thing but I guess it really works sometimes. I thought of my dad, my mom, manong, dani, the ateneo community, fans, family, loved ones, and then her. They started announcing the starters for La Salle and we're already lining up and getting ready for it.

"..... THIRDY RAVENAAAAAAA" the announcer said and I already went to the court to get my head in the game. 

1st quarter
Jump ball. Ikeh got it and we were running to our side of the court. I was dribbling it then pass to Anton, then he passed it to Ikeh, he saw me and since he couldn't get it through he passed it to me who was in position for a dunk. AND DUNK IT IS! ANOTHA 3K FOR MEEE (YAYYYY!!!). Now to the other side of the court. You got this Thirds! You got this! LEZGO!


I'm here in the Arena wearing denim jeans, a black hanging top, a jacket, my Ateneo cap, and my stan smiths. It's the second half already and we're still leading at 69-57 with only 5 minutes to go. But the game is now getting dirtier. Wrong calls made, Phsical tactics of the other side, and what really pissed me off the most? the refs didn't seem to care. I know basketball is a physical sport but when I saw his scars from the last game I really wanted to cry. The 3rd quarter ended at 75-69 we're still in the lead but I saw Coach Tab talking to the guys at the front line. They called the refs and they banned one of them so they could at least see if it was the refs fault. I think it was the right thing to do.


Only 50 seconds remaining on the clock and it was La salle's ball steal by Matt and he passed it to Mike who passed it to me at our part of the court. So I didn't hesitate no more but to go all out. I shot the ball and we got the point. 98-95 is the score with 35 seconds left. La Salle's ball so Aljun Melecio fired a 3 and it went in. 98-98 with only 20 seconds to go. I have the ball, I passed it to Anton and he passed it to Isaac who was open. Isaac shot it and it's good. WE WON! WE BROUGHT THE CROWN BACK TO KATIPUNAN. But this night ain't over yet


I was watching them celebrating and I can see that he is in a state of euphoria right now. I was still watching them celebrate but suddenly the lights went off. And a tune started playing. And the lights were suddenly on me. I was shocked to see the blue eagles and the green arhers together lined up in front of me like asking me to go to the court. They each had blue roses and as I walked passed them going to the court they gave them to me with the most genuine smiles you will ever see. What shocked me the most is when I got to the center I saw the Ravenas: Manong, Dani, Tita Mozzy, and Tito Bong. And my parents plus my kuya. My eyes searched for someone in particular but I didn't see him. They all pointed in the direction of the other court and slowly I looked there. And saw him with a boquet of chocolates instead of blue roses

"Isabel Beatriz, I've known you since we we're in high school and we've become the best of friends. When I first saw you I felt like everything was slow mo I didn't know if that was love or yun na yung sign na pagong ako...."


"......So, I tried other girls so I could be distracted. I loved them but you still had part in my heart. Then 2015 came and that's when we started avoiding each other. That was when I felt that something inside me was missing. And that was the day I realized that I already love you more than just a best friend. So, I am here with your family, my family, the ANIMOBF community asking..."

"Can I court you, Beatriz?"

"Of course you can, Ferdinand"


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