It'll Be Okay (Blaze x Dottie)

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The sun slowly started to make its way down over the water, covering the island in gentle rays of fading light. Sounds of laughter floated out into the wide empty space from the multiple amusement parks. Only one house was quiet, fear and worry covering the entire building.

A young werewolf woman sat on the roof, legs dangling over the edge. Her blue-grey ears and tail were drooping, and her almost purple-blue hair hung down her back in slight waves. She wore a blue bikini, and if the circumstances were different she might be down at the beach tossing a Frisbee back and forth with Daniel and Rylan.

Dottie sighed for what felt like the millionth time. She wanted to know what was going on downstairs, but every muffled shout answered her questions.

"Hey Dots! What's hanging?!" She glanced down, looking at the figure waving up at her. His black ears and tail were perked up, and his red hair was swept to the side. A green and a blue eyes stared up at her, and his tan skin glowed in the sun. She waved back half heartedly and fell backwards, looking up at the sky as her legs dangled over the edge of the roof. "Give me a sec!" He called again.

Within a minute, Blaze had made his way up to the roof. He was still grinning, but traveling through the house had dimmed its glow a bit. Dottie's ears twitched, acknowledging his presence.

"What are you doing up here all by your lonesome?" Blaze smiled, sitting next to her head. She wriggled backwards so her head could rest on his lap. They're were pack-mates, which basically made them siblings. They did things like this all of the time. She felt him tense up, but just as quickly he was relaxed and started messing with her hair.

"I'm just not in the mood today I guess." She looked up at him from her position, and his upside down face was blurry because of the sun shining almost directly behind him.

He was about to ask her why when a shout was heard through the roof. Dottie sighed, closing her eyes. Blaze froze under her, hands clenching around strands of her hair. She reached on of her hands back and disentangled his hands before taking one in her own. They squeezed each other's hands tightly and firmly, trying to push away the pain.

"He's not doing any better. He's in so much pain, and there's nothing I can do to help." She whispered, turning her face to bury it in his lap. His free hand stroked her hair, massaging the bases of her ears.

"I know Dots. It's hurting everyone, you know? We tried to push it away, but it's so hard to." Dottie day up, pulling away from Blaze suddenly. She was shaking, and he feared for a moment that she was crying.

"I just don't understand!" She cried, not daring to look back at him. Her hands were clenched and her nails were digging into her palms. Her tail was curled and her ears were laid back. She was bristling with rage. "Why? Why, why, why?"

Blaze tried to reach out to her, but she jerked away without even looking at him. "It's not fair Blaze! Why does everything have to happen to us? First Garroth is going through the transformation of becoming a werewolf, and he's suffering more than anyone should have to! Secondly, we learn that Aaron is the Ultima werewolf! The descendent of one who turned out ancestors into werewolves themselves! The very person who is feared and hunted by so many! And finally, Ein. Is. Back! He made Daniel the Omega in high school even though he knew he wouldn't be able to defend himself! He nearly killed our Alpha, and almost ruined Aphmau's life! And now he's alive?!" At this, she did start to cry. Great, heaving sobs that bounced off of the roof and echoed in Blaze's mind.

Without thinking he reached out and pulled her into him. He wrapped his arms around her bare waist and rested his chin on top of her head. She didn't think either, turning her face so it was buried in his chest and clutching his shirt sleeve in her hands.

They say there together for ages, the sun slowly setting in front of them. They were still there when the moon had risen. Dottie's tears had stopped hours ago, but she still hurt inside. His warm arms helped to heal her, enveloping her in love and friendship and the closeness only family has.

Eventually she fell asleep, breathing lightly and still clutching his shirt in her hands. Blaze sighed, kissing her forehead before wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up into his arms. He rose to his feet, padding across the rooftop and into the house. Everyone else was either asleep or locked in their rooms, so he passed through the house without seeing a soul.

He walked down the road until their house came into view. The lights were still on, and Blaze guessed the others were either playing card games on the porch or playing around in the water. He smiled, pulling Dottie closer to his chest. Her tail was draped over her chest, rising and falling with her chest. She looked peaceful and beautiful in the moonlight like that.

He shook the thoughts from his head and instead walked up the steps and managed to open the door to their bedroom. Luckily, her bed was one of the bottom bunks. He laid her down on her side so she wouldn't squish her tail, and pulled the blanket up around her chin. He kissed her forehead again before turning off the light and crawling into his bunk above her. The bed creaked as he got comfortable, and then a voice whispered,

"Blaze?" He didn't speak, but instead shifted so he was close to the edge and let his left arm fall over the edge. "Thank you for just... being there." Dottie murmured before she reached up and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly in her own.

The two of the fell asleep like that, holding the other's hand and finding comfort in it.

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