Wrong Side of the Damn Train

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  Suko, Rafael, Avian and Sonya are taking a walk in a train station after they play together in the Game Center. They passed the station because there was a secret place where Sonya had to discuss a mission. Suddenly they heard a lot of shots from inside the station. The four of them ran into the station and saw an attack from the secret Mafia, the enemy of all of them. They injured a lot of people and they ran away on top of the Train. "We must pursue them!" Avian replied, "But how?" Replied Suko.

  Rafael looking into the parking lot, there are 2 motors whose key is still hanging in the keyhole. "Use it! Hurry!" Rafael said as he ran toward the motor. Sonya, Suko and Avian followed him. "Hurry up, I'm with Avian, you're with Sonya!" Rafael said as he boarded his bike. Sonya and Avian immediately chase after the train while Suko and Rafael are preparing their weapons. "Follow the train! Let me and Rafael alone take care of this". Sonya nods and speeds to the side of the train and Suko shoots the Mafia group.

They attack back Suko and Sonya which forces her to slow down. Suddenly Avian jumps from a Bridge with his bike. Rafael shots blindly on the train, but can only kill one of the four Mafia on the train. Because the train made a turn without Avian know, they both fall. "Dammit Raf, Hurry up and chase them again!" Rafael shouted after falling. The two of them rushed up the bike again and immediately sped up, but unfortunately Avian crashed into an electric pole not far from where they crashed. And the result is their motorcycle broke, "All you have to do, is follow the damn train, Avian!" Shouted Rafael

"Give me time man..." Avian replied. They both stands uo and see Sonya and Suko still shooting and chasing the train to mountain hills. "Now its all depends on them ..." said Avian. Sonya is trying to stabilize her bike to the Train. Due to Sonya's great ability in riding her bike, Suko can aim his weapon to the mafia accurately and shoot down one of them. As the road grew narrower, Sonya decided to climb up the mountain while the train passed through the tunnel.

As soon as possible Sonya speeding up her bike and able to bypass the Train. After the train came out of the tunnel Sonya was able to jump on the train with her bike, then Sonya ducked and Suko fired One Mafia again, only one more, but Sonya realized that there was a power line and she was forced to get off the train without Suko knowing "WHOAAAOO!!! What are you doing !?" Suko yelled in surprise "Sorry! There's an Electrical Cable! It can make us fall!" Sonya replied. "Fine! Chase again!" Suko shouted. But unfortunately, there is a Train coming from another direction with fast speed. Sonya and Suko are forced to jump from their bikes, because they can not take time to turn the bike.

Due to the great speed of his train, their bike was crushed. "DAMMIT!!! ONE MORE LEFT!!!" cried Suko. Sonya look right left to find a solution. "There must be another way to solve this problem!" Sonya said worriedly.

  Not far from there, Tricky, Avian Best hawk's companion was resting with Memen looking at the situation. He knew right away what he had to do. He jumped straight into the pirate cannon not far away where he was and shouted "MEN! QUICKLY SHOT THE CANNON!!" Tricky shouted as he got into the cannon "What !? Are you crazy !?! "Memen replied, "Hurry up!" Tricky shouted in a hasty tone. "All right ..." Memen replied in an unsure tone. Memen lit the cannon and blew Tricky to make him fly at full speed towards the last Mafia on the train and hit him. Tricky immediately flew back towards Suko and Sonya. "Mission Succeed Boss!" Tricky yelled.

  "Tricky ?? Nice One!!" Answer Suko, "YES !! Our mission succed!" Sonya shouted. "Now they know that we can beat them under any circumstances" replied Suko. Tricky and Sonya laughed happily. Rafael and Avian were able to run towards the place of Suko and Sonya. "So What did we miss?" Asked Rafael. "What do you think if we stand in this place with cheerful faces?" Answer Suko. "Oh... good workTeam! And you too Trick!" Shouted Avian.

"Well, because we're tired of this incident, why do not we go back to our base while watching a movie?" Said Suko. "Good idea boss! Let's go back!" Replied Avian. Suddenly Rafael's phone ringing "Yea hello? .... what? .... Ok-Ok! I'm coming" "Sorry guys, it seems our base has been attacked. Charlotte just told me this..." Rafael said with a pale face. "What??? Come on ..." said Suko and Sonya with a sad face. "Ha ha ha! I'm Joking! that's fake news! Char just bought a Pizza for all of us! More excited right?" replied Rafael. "Damn you Raf" replied Suko. They all laughed happily and returned to a privileged base.

But they do not realize that Memen is still waiting where  he shot Tricky.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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