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Next morning, sun shone brightly into my room. Although I had drawn the curtains the night before, natural light still penetrated bravely into the slick room. Glancing at my digital alarm clock, which was conveniently positioned on one of my bed side tables, I read that it was 7:08am. That was a sleep in for me, usually I woke up at around 6:00am. I trugged sleepily towards the bathroom and looked at myself square on in the mirror. My hair resembled tumble weeds as it fell in untidy locks around my shoulders and my lips were as dry as a desert. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I turned on the balls of my feet and proceeded towards my packed suitcase. I quickly chose a pair of dark denim shorts and a white, loose tank top. This place is going to be a new beginning for me, I thought, might as well make a good start. With that thought in mind, I made my bed, unpacked my suitcase, rather painfully combed my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face and threw open the black material curtains. Pleased with my efforts, I opened the large door to the bed room and bravely tried to navigate myself in the direction of the kitchen, my stomach rumbling. As I finally found the wide staircase, about three minutes later, I noticed Alyssa ascending the wooden stairs. She was holding an ugly blue shirt and a dark blue skirt, with pleats on it. On top of the pile were cheap, look-a-like leather covered slip on shoes and whit socks. A school uniform.

"Here you go" Alyssa said, a small smirk painfully plastered on here face. "I know, the uniform's hideous" she continued. "I have to wear it as well"

"That's a... Um... Uniform" I stated incredulously.

"Mum said to get dressed and come down stairs for breakfast, she's cooking bacon and eggs! That's a first." she said, finishing her sentence with a compromising tone. I nodded swiftly and returned to my room, gazing absent minded at the ill reformed uniform.

After zipping up the dark blue pleated skirt and buttoning the front of my shirt, I picked up the shoes and looked at them. They were weird and worn. YUCK. Regrettably, I slipped the shoes on, the only reinsurance being the presents of abundant amounts of spare change in the front pocket of my suit case. I would definitely be finding the nearest shoe store at the end of the day.

"Are you ready?" chorused Cloudier's voice, as a the smell of bacon filled my nose.

"Almost" I called back. Then, with one last look at my reflection, I walked down the the hall and found the stairs.

When I had finally rediscovered the location of the kitchen, I sat down on the nearest wooden stool. Then, without warning, Patrick slid a plentiful offering of crispy bacon and two large fried eggs in front of me. There was even catering here.

"Cloudier was late for her lesson, so I finished off the breakfast. I hope it's okay, I'm not a natural chef" Patrick informed me. " Eat quickly, school starts in twenty minutes and it takes ten minutes to get the." He concluded with a toothy smile.

After breakfast, Alex, Alyssa and Yasmin led me to the garage. Alex handed me a grey material bag and told me that I could use it for today, thanking him, I slipped into the back of the BMW. As Patrick stared the engine and the rest of the family slipped inside the car, the automatic garage doors began to lift. On the trip to school, I recognised some familiar shops and street signs from the night before. One read "Grove road" while a shop's window displayed sparkling dresses and shoes. Finally, the car came to a halt in front of a busy high school. I assume this must be my high school.

As Alex, Yasmin and Alyssa clambered out of the car, the enormity of the school engulfed me. The nerves inside my stomach bubbled in my through and I had to stop myself from screaming, or squeaking or any other unintelligible sounds I could make.

"Are you coming?" Alyssa asked as she poked her head around the door frame, squashing it into an abnormal expression. After nodding quickly, I unbuckled the seat belt that held me in place and slid cautiously out of the car, my shoes sliding on the smooth red brick.

"Have a good day!" Called Patrick as he revved the engine of the car.

"Bye" I managed to croak, my voice unbroken.

With one last wave at her father, Alyssa took my arm and led me throughout the neat school. We stopped abruptly in front of the schools office. It was made of the same red brick that my shoes had slid on. The glass double doors stood intimidatingly, reflecting off the warm morning sun.

"Here we go!" Stated Alyssa, " the office. Just tell the lady at the front desk your new and say her your name, she'll give you your timetable and books. I should warn you though, she's a complete cow."Alyssa finished in a flourish. Then she turned and headed in the opposite direction. I was nervous about her leaving me, but it was stupid to chase after her now that she was so faraway and besides, I'm sure I can get into the office without getting lost.

After a moments hesitation, I pushed the large door open to reveal a blue carpeted office with high windows and pictures cluttering the cream wall. The place smelled like old lady perfume and was spotless. An ancient woman sat behind a curved bench, sorting receipts.

"Um... Hello, my names Annabelle Reid and I'm new. I was wondering if I could get my time table please."

"Hi" the old lady granted as she started flipping through an oversized folder. "Here's your time table and your books." She finished, slamming three text books and six lined workbooks onto the counter top. The lady then crinkled her nose at me and turned her back in my face.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

My face burnt hot as I tried to shove all the new books inside the small bag, I didn't even know where my first class was and the lady behind the desk was defiantly not going to be any help.

"Do you need help there?" Said a deep, even voice.

I turned, still struggling with the minuscule grey bag. The owner of the voice was tall and muscular, he had dark brown hair and flashed perfectly straight teeth in my direction as his amused smile broadened.

"Yes please! Do you know where..." I glanced down at the already crumpled timetable "... A13 is?"

" Yeah that's where I'm going, have you got math?" Said the boy.

I nodded, and with great effort, I managed to zip my bag shut.

"Cool, I'll take you. My names Jack by the way."

"Anna" I replied, fixing my eyes on his adolescent blue eyes.

Jack led the way down a corridor filled with hyper active teenagers and frantic looking teachers. We were the first two to the class, meaning that we had first choice among the desks. I didn't want to sit right at the front, that would draw too much attention on me, and I was defiantly not going to sit at the back either, the people who sat there probably already had their own friends and social status. Eventually I decided on a desk in the middle of the room. I pulled out the chair and collapsed into it. Jack followed swiftly and sat beside me.

"I know I'm new and all that, but don't feel obliged to take care of me or anything." I said, laughing slightly.

But, before Jack could respond, a herd a excited teens exploded through the door.

"Are you sure?" laughed Jack, staring at my terrified face.

"No, stay!" I answered

School had started

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