Chapter 4

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"Miss?" I open my eyes slowly and look around. I'm still in the taxi, but its dark outside. The taxi has stopped and I notice an assortment of lights up ahead. The driver is looking at me expectantly—which pulls me out of my daze. I reach in my shoulder bag and pull out a wad of cash that I stole from my father's wallet. I thank him and hand him the money, telling him to keep the change. I get out and he pulls away, leaving me alone in the night.

Laughter from the circus drifts through the air mixed with the smell of food. My stomach growls. The last thing I ate was the small packet of peanuts they gave me on the plane. I silence my stomach with a pat and begin walking towards the circus entrance. It's not a big circus. It resembles more of a small-town fair actually. People wander about and vendors shout out offers to win prizes or buy corndogs. A large Ferris Wheel towers above everything as it rotates riders round and round. I feel so strange walking around alone. Usually I'm not allowed to take two steps away from my father without someone watching my every move. Here, however, no one notices as I merge into the sea of people.

I have no idea what Bradley is doing here, but my guess is that it involves electricity. Bradley's mutant power is the ability to control anything electric, so it just makes sense. Therefore I look for any vendors that involve electricity. Almost everything here is electric though, from the machines operating games and rides to the Christmas-looking lights covering everything. This is going to be difficult...very difficult. I keep myself hidden in the crowd as I look, knowing that eventually Victor will show up. I'd rather not give him the advantage by walking into dark and lonely corners. After walking around the whole park I almost give up... then I spot him.

Chris Bradley sits in a booth towards the back of the fair. He's sitting at a table looking at the crowd absentmindedly. Even from a distance I can see the sparkle in his bright blue eyes. Growing up I always saw Wade and Bradley like the older brothers I've never had. They were younger than the others, and they carried a child-like charm with them. Seeing Bradley now—almost six years later—I can't help but smile at the memories that flood my mind. He looks bored, but he also looks happy. My smile falls as I think of why I'm here. I take a deep breath and approach the booth.

As I near Bradley I suddenly notice something else on the table. It's a light bulb screwed into a box. The box is powered by an extension cord which vanishes somewhere under the table. I almost laugh as I realize the game he's running.

"How does it work?" I ask as I stop in front of the table. He looks at me, but doesn't seem to recognize me at all. Then again, it's been six years and I'm wearing a lot of makeup. He sits up straighter as he answers. "Three tries for a buck. If you turn the light off you get a prize."

"Sounds way too easy." He smiles and the sparkle in his eyes seems to grow, "Well if it's so easy why don't you try it?"

"I think I will." I hand him a dollar and he takes it. I flip the switch I saw him press earlier, but the light stays on. I unplug the extension cord, but still nothing happens. Bradley gives me an amused smile, "That's two tries sweetheart." I smile back and unscrew the bulb. It remains glowing in my hand.

"You know, being a mutant really gives you an unfair advantage." His smile falls and he looks me over. It quickly returns as he seems to recognize me, "Addie?"

"How've you been Bradley?"

He laughs and comes around to hug me, "Wow, you're the last person I expected to see. Look how you've grown! You were what... Seven... Eight last time I saw you?"

"Twelve!" I laugh.

"Well you're still too short for me to tell."

"Gosh I've missed you!" I exclaim giving him another hug. He hugs me back then lets me go. Suddenly the feeling of being watched washes over me and I scan the crowd. Victor is nowhere in sight but I can't shake the feeling. I turn back and notice Bradley eyeing me curiously, "Why are you here Addie?"

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