One Shot for Freedom

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August 17, 1781

"SIR, THIS IS IMPORTANT!" Alexander Hamilton yells, bursting through the front door to my office, an open letter in his hand. He brings the letter to his face, "It's from Mulligan, he writes 'Britain armies revealed that the Hessian troops along with General Cornwallis are stationed in Yorktown, Virginia, awaiting British ships.' George, do you realize what this means?" My eyes widen as an idea so extraordinary yet vague forms in my brain.

"Ham-sandwich you're a genius!" I shout joyfully, blasting off my seat over to him and shake his shoulders in excitement. "We need to get the continental army assembled, alert the French, we will not give up!" I wave my right hand in the air and bring it down in a fist.

"On it, Wash!" Alexander's loud voice fades as he runs out, forgetting to close the door. He runs away lighting fast. Instantly I turn around and scamper back to my desk. Dipping my feather pen in ink I scribble some words and sketches on a small piece of paper, planning the battle strategy.

Knock. A knock at my door. Not even a second goes by when a bombarge of my selected army appears in front of me. "WE'VE HEARD THE NEWS, GENERAL!" Together they shout, then a million different idea suggestions along with questions from each person.

"How shall we confirm to a larger army? We should strike first this time, with double the gunpowder from before. We should get Spain, France, as many countries as we can on our side. How do you expect us to supply for this battle when we haven't got enough for our families?" The mixed thunder and power of their voices bring such music to my ears.

"Chill fellas, we can't fit everybody in this tiny, cramped room, shall I lead you to a much larger space?" I receive a bold "YES SIR" as I work my way to an outside area devoted to a large number of people (front yard of my mansion).

I take ideas from my men, suggestions from all who have something to say, finally we come up with a battle strategy. "Great Britain will never see this coming," I say to my troops, in my deep, maniacal voice, "of all the times they have expected me to give up, this time will be their biggest regret on doubting me" I continue, getting the crowd all fired up for the fight. "So it is settled, we will travel Yorktown on September 29, 1781!" I raise my fist, the others follow along with a "hurrah!"

August 23, 1781

I invite Marquis de Lafayette to my mansion. Discussing plans again and getting more and more hyped for the attack. "Lafayette, you are certain you can get French ships on the Chesapeake Bay in time for the siege?" I ask.

"Have I ever let you down, Washington?" He returns in his thick French accent, he has yet to master English.

"Let us recap," I start, "The scheme is, we travel to Yorktown on the 29 of September, loaded up and prepared with the right supplies. The second of the day that I have sensed Britain's presence, I will shout the code word, Rochambeau, and my army will strike Britain's army."

"By the way sir," Lafayette interrupts. "I spoke with Rochambeau over a letter the past week, he confirmed to prepare the French ships and confirming to block off any entrance that Great Britain may use to rescue their troops in the Chesapeake Bay. I have got him to call several loads of French soldiers to help during this process. If all goes as we have planned, we will get General Cornwallis and his army to surrender and we shall have our independence!"

"Perfect." I nod, my cheekbones quickly rise and fall.

September 29, 1781

At long last, the day has come. Sunrise is far ahead of us on a cold morning like today. I awake to find my continental army, and 50 new recruits thanks to my dearest Lafayette, outside my window gathered in the front yard of my mansion. Once I'm outside I find that they have most supplies rounded up in a huge amount. Gunpowder, various weapons, horses, and other necessities for our journey and fights. we prepare our ammo. Yesterday I received and alerted the army a letter from Lafayette, who is already at the Chesapeake Bay waiting for the French ships' arrival. He gives us the cue that the Bay is surrounded and ready for our attack. Together we sneak our way from Mount Vernon to Yorktown uncaught, and never leave a soldier behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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