Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of running water. It echoes around the apartment so that it takes me a second to locate the source of the sound. My head abruptly turns to face the closed bathroom door. “God please not again.” I murmur, swinging my legs off of the bed. I jog to the door and press my ear against the wood surface. I sigh in relief at the soft sound of Melrose singing. I keep my ear pressed against the door until I here the water shut off. I only move away when the doorknob starts to turn.

“Were you listening to me shower?” Melrose scrunches up her nose. I can only imagine how this must look. Me only a foot away from the door. She takes a step around me and walks towards the dresser.

I whip around just in time to catch a glimpse of her bare back before she pulls one of my white crewnecks over her head.

“Um, I wasn’t so much listening to you shower as I was listening to you sing.” My voice comes out gravelly.

She looks at me over her shoulder as she slides a pair of shorts up her legs. “That’s slightly less creepy.” Her words are teasing.

I nod. “I was kind of worried about you too, ya know? Last time you took a bath you…” I trail off.

She sighs. “Well you can quit your worrying because I won’t be trying anything like that again anytime soon.” Her words are clipped as she paces towards her purse resting on the coffee table. She slings the bag onto her shoulder and heads for the door.

“Where are you going?” I pry. ‘Hopefully not to buy another gun.’ My subconscious adds.

“To class.” She places a hand on the doorknob.

“Oh, what class?” I fiddle with my fingers, trying to stall her. I find myself not wanting to let her out of my sight.

“British Literature.” She cocks a hip. “Anymore questions mom?”

I shake my head, embarrassed. “No. M’ sorry for being nosy.”

She rolls her eyes before letting out a puff of air. “It’s fine. I probably would’ve done the same thing if… if I was taking care of someone like me.” She smiles sadly. “I’ll be back in an hour and a half. Promise.” Before I have a chance to respond, she’s walking out the door.

“She said she’d be back in an hour and a half. It’s been two hours. Where the fuck is she?” I mutter to myself, my eyes trained on the clock.

“She went to lunch with a friend.” A voice murmurs directly into my ear. I whip around fast. Too fast. Our noses crash together and a strained, “Fuuuuuuccck,” leaves the person’s (who I now know is Mel’s) mouth. “Well that was a shitty welcome home.” Blood drips from her nose and runs down her chin. She raises a hand to stop the flow. “This is the second time I’ve been injured in your presence. I think you’re some kind of bad luck charm.” She grins through her fingers.

“Shit. I’m so sorry. My God you’re right, I am a bad luck charm. Let me get you a towel.” I dash to the kitchen, still spewing apologies.

“S’ alright.” She slurs through the blood now coating her mouth. Her footsteps echo mine as she follows me to the kitchen. “Just a little blood. I’m a girl, it comes with the territory.”

I chuckle, which earns me a confused look and an eyebrow raise. “What, did you expect me to be embarrassed at the mention of periods? My mum and sister raised me. You have no clue how many tampon and ice cream runs I made throughout the years.” My back’s turned to her as I rummage around for a tea towel. I finally find one and immediately turn to press it to her nose. “Do you think it’s broken?” My voice is one of concern.

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