Leave All The Lights On

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Spike stepped onto the gravel road leading to downtown Ponyville. Having just exited the midnight train from Canterlot, he was happy to finally be home again. It had certainly been a long day, but there was still one pony who he needed to see.

As he made his way down the quiet path home, he took a moment to enjoy his surroundings. He took in the scent of the trees and grass that laced the fresh country air. Everything was so peaceful and quiet.

As he came closer to the town, he quickened his pace. He was excited to see all of his friends again: Twilight, Fluttershy, Big Mac—The list went on, but one pony in particular occupied his thoughts more than any other.

He could still remember the conversation they had had when he had told her he was leaving...



Spike wiped a stray tear from his cheek. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Rarity.”

“Darling, you can’t be serious,” Rarity said, tears forming at the edges of her eyes. “Why do you have to leave?”

Spike walked over to Rarity’s couch, slumping into it. “Princess Celestia wants me to travel to Draconia for some time to assist with political negotiations.”

“She can’t force you to go anywhere. Stay here, please?” Rarity pleaded.

“I want to, more than anything. But I have a duty to protect the land and everypony in it. As a dragon, the negotiations will go a lot smoother if I’m there.”

Rarity took a spot next to Spike on the couch. “How long is it going to take?”

Spike gently wrapped his arms around the white mare, and she rested her head on his shoulder. “I don’t know. It could only be a few weeks. But if things don’t go smoothly like she hopes, it could be a lot longer.”

“But... but that’s just not fair!” Rarity screamed, tears freely flowing down her cheeks. “And what about me? Don’t I get a say in this?”

The dragon searched for words to say, but none would come. This wasn’t something that could be explained with words.

“Or tell me, Spike, does this engagement band you gave me mean nothing to you?” She levitated the sparkling diamond band from her hoof and put it right in front of his eyes.

Spike looked down at his own engagement band she had given him in return, and a tear fell down onto his cheek. “Rarity… I’m sorry. I love you more than anything. That’s why I have to do this.” He gently grabbed her band and placed it back on her hoof. “And to answer your question: this band is just a piece of jewelry. It’s you mean everything to me.”

Rarity stroked his claw as he gently wiped away her tears. “I love you, too.” Collapsing into his arms, she let her tears free and buried her face in his chest.


Spike quickened his pace. Entering the residential area of town, he saw the various houses that still populated the area, houses that belonged to friends he knew would be excited to see him again. But they were going to have to wait.

He took a moment to see how things were compared to when he had left. The small home where Carrot Top resided seemed to have not changed a bit. Her empty produce baskets on the front porch hadn’t seemed to move an inch, along with her small carrot garden in the back.

To the left he could see the small one-room home that his friend Vinyl most likely still occupied. Empty bottles of vodka and random soda cans decorated the porch along with with neon lights that were visible through her window. Still a mess, the same way it was when he left—but he wouldn’t want it any other way.

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