Chapter 2

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Third POV

The Purple Dragons charged at the turtle as he dodged their attacks. He pulled twin katana blades out of their sheaths on his shell and used them to block their weapons. Taking them down one by one he failed to notice the few that split from the group to go after Saria, who had used the attack as a chance to escape.

"The thing is Turtle, we shouldn't be the ones your fighting".

Leo looked around and noticed that Saria was gone and there were fewer Purple Dragons.

"What did you do?" Leo asked.

"Me? I haven't done anything" Hun replied.

Saria POV

Damn, I can't get these guys off my tail.

After the Turtle and the Huns started to fight I used it as an opportunity to escape, unfortunately, a couple of the Purple Dragons saw me and they've been on my tail ever since.

I looked behind and saw one of the two guys that were chasing me.

Where did the other one go?

I rounded the next corner and nearly ran into the other guy.


I pulled my pocket knife out of my back pocket and got into a fighting stance looking between the two guys.

Well if I'm gonna go down might as well go down fighting.

The bigger of the two made the first move charging at me from the side swinging a punch. Dodging to the side and kicking him in the back I sent him flying into the smaller of the two. Readying myself for their next attack I suddenly felt a pain in the back of my head and suddenly everything was black.


After finishing off the rest of the Purple Dragons I set off on the rooftops looking for the girl and the remaining stragglers.

Time Skip

I saw three guys walking through an alleyway carrying a girl.

That must be her.

Jumping from the rooftop I landed on top of one of the Dragons knocking the other one out with the hilt of my Katana. As I approached the third guy, he dropped the girl and ran off. I picked her up to take her back to the layer.

Saria POV

Damn what in the world hit me.

I opened my eyes to a bright light in my face. I sat up groaning in pain, the source being a massive headache. I looked around and noticed I was in a lab.

Where am I?

As if on queue the door opens and another turtle walks in except, he's wearing purple and glasses.

What the fuck?

"Miss you shouldn't try to get up yet, from what I can tell you have seen to have suffered a minor concussion from the blow you took to the back of your head."

Yeah, looks like I'm seeing things too.

"Guys she's up".

Three other turtles walked into the room.

I backed up against the wall putting distance between myself and the four talking turtles.

"We won't hurt you, miss.."

"Saria Saki" you grumbled.

"Well, Saria my name is Donatello but you can call me Donnie".

The second turtle glared at me he stated his name.

"The names Raphael but you can call me Raph. But understand if you make a wrong move and try to hurt any of my brothers I will kill you," he stated.

"Sorry about him he can be a bit touchy" the turtle in the blue said as he glared at Raph.

"My name is Leonardo but you can call me Leo."

As I looked at him I noticed his piercing sapphire blue eyes and started to blush. The last turtle in orange looked shorter than the rest of them but he was still taller than me.

"Hey dudette, the names Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey." He seemed less uptight than the rest of them.

"Cool, it's nice to meet you guys, and thanks for the save but.... how do I get home?" you asked.

"I can take you home. The sewers are like a giant maze and you may get lost," Leo stated.

You nodded in response and you both left.

-Time Skip-

We got back to my apartment and I turned to say goodbye.

"Thank you for the help and I'm sorry if I came across a little defensive. It's just that I don't do so well around new people. Or in this case turtles." I stated.

"It's fine. Really. I was just glad that I was there when I was. That looked like it could have gotten really bad" Leo replied.

"Well see you around maybe"

"See you around" Leo replied. After he went out the open window I closed it and prepared for bed. As I passed my bedside table I saw a piece of paper.

If you need anything just call or text us.

Leo's number


Raph's number


Donnie's number


Mikey's Number



I put the numbers into my phone and prepared for work the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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