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*** Hello people who have read this story (2 people to be exact, but, hey, I'm not complaining). Thank you so much for reading this and please comment on what you think of this story, also, this is final's week and I have no time for an update. I apologize for the long wait and this short and pitiful chapter. (who am I kidding, no one has read this.)***

This Blows. I hate the idea of me kissing someone who my friend liked. I wasn't even gay! I didn't know what I was and didn't feel like going through any of it.


Monday. 5 days until the dance. Why? I don't get why I had kissed her, I just felt bad. After all, she was Miksa's crush, and I was supposed to be helping him win her over. Sadly, she had won me over. Miksa punched me in the arm, "Lulu, come on, what are you thinking about?" I didn't answer, "Hey, if Cecil says no, could you go to the dance with me?" "I don't really wanna go with a date, that way I can just dance around with people," "Yeah, I know, but, man, do you wanna at least do the last dance with me if she says no?" I didn't have the heart to tell him Cecil kissed me, also I'm a coward (a craven in Ser Allister's words).

I guess that was all it was, just a kiss. It meant something to her and me, but couldn't we just forget it? I clearly wanted Cecil to be my girl, but I couldn't do that to Miksa.

God. This girl will be the death of me.

"Hey, Lulu! Come're not even listening."

"Wha...Hey, yeah I agree, sounds dope."

"Hiring a wingman to get Cecil to like me sounds dope?"

"Hell, ok, I wasn't listening, and you know I'll be there for you."

"No offense, but you've never gone on a date and I've never seen you interested in another human being."


"Fine. Ask Daniel."

"One, Daniel is not a girl. Two, he's super gay, Lu."

well, what do you want me to do about it?

"What do you wanna do"

"Be my wingman Lulu."

"Fine." I am super screwed.

Damn. Frick Frack Snick Snack. Shitbiscuts. Mierda. 

Cecil was going to dance with Miksa and was going to have the best night of her life. She had to. I just hope she won't tell Miksa anything.

"Hello, Lu, Miksa"

oh, great, just the person I am avoiding! I wonder what I will do. After all, I was Miksa's wingman. 

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