New phone

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Have you ever had someone call you and it was a wrong number? Many times? Yes, I thought you'd say that. But how many times that person was in life threatening situation? I'm going to tell you a story of a boy who got that kind of phone call.

Since Mike was a decent student and a well behaved son, his parents decided it was about the time they get him something, and because he was using his father's old phone, they got him a new one. "All kids today have smartphones, so we should get our son one" they thought. And so they did. They took him to the phone company and bought him a new phone and a number.
Mike is now preoccupied looking at his new phone to hear his little sister walking in the room, so she took this opportunity to scare him.
"Hey!" She screams grabing his shoulders.
"What the..." he jumps in his seat and almost drops his new phone.
"You are so easily scared my brother. One day someone's gonna sneak up on you and kill you, and you won't even notice." She says doing victory walk to the kitchen.
"Ha ha very funny. I was just focused, and that wasn't necessary." He said and returned to his phone.
"What is that?" She stopped and went back to see what's in his hands, " is that a new phone?"
"Yes." Mike said still looking at screen.
"Well it was about time they got you a new phone" Kathryn said and went to kitchen.

Kathryn is Mike's little sister. He is 17, and she is 15, but most of the time you can't actually tell who's older, because she appears to be more mature. I mean she collects army knives. I think that's enough for you to get the picture.
Mike could be described with one word: average.
Not too shy not too outgoing. Not too nice not too rude. Just the middle.
Not much was going on in his life. School, family, few friends and that's it.

The next day he went to school. Mike usually goes by bus with his bestfriend Henry, but Henry was late, so Mike's dad took him to school on his way to work.
First period was math and Mike was excited. Not because he likes math (nobody likes math), but he likes girl who has math class with him.
Her name is Lilly and he thought that name was perfect for her. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes, smart, cute and genuinely nice person. Boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her and so on. Mike liked her, like everyone else, but he was actually the only one that didn't do anything about it. As he sat down in his seat, Mike took a look around the class to see if she's there. She wasn't, so he was a bit disappointed. "She is probably seeing someone", he starts to think for himself looking down at the table"I mean, what chances do I even have if she wasn't seeing someone... many guys, a lot more handsome than me, asked her out and she said - no, so why would I even bother..."
His train of self-pity thoughts was stopped when she suddenly walked into class. He looked at her and she looked at him. She smiled so he did the same.
They knew each other. They were not friends, but they would talk sometimes.

It looked like she liked him. She would smile and laugh at his jokes, go out of her way to help him or talk to him. But, she was nice to everyone, so you can't actually use that logic here.
And also, did you really think this is that kind of story...

Class startet and everyone sat down. Few minutes in, Mike caught himself staring at Lilly and immediately turned his head to face the teacher, who was talking about something that sounded so abstract and complex that Mike didn't even bother to understand, so he dozed off again.
"Maybe I should ask her out," he thought for himself "what's the worst that can happen... oh yeah, she could say no, like she said to everyone else... but what if she says yes..." he suddenly smiled and mentally waved his hand "nah, like that could ever happen"
Few moments later, bell rings and everyone goes outside including Mike. He was still in his thoughs when someone called his name "Hey Mike", he turned around and saw Lilly walking fast towards him " Hey, is everything ok with you, you seemed kinda absent in class"
She seemed genuinely worried. "Yeah... yes yes" Mike finally answered "I was just thinking, don't worry" he gave her a little smile. "About what?" she smirked. "Haha nothing special" He awkwardly laughed. "Hm I don't believe you" she said and lightly slapped him on his arm. He was caught off guard "Damn, I should have flexed my arm, she must be thinking I'm weak... but, is she like flirting with me" he thought to himself while awkwardly smiling again. "Is there a girl you're not telling me about... ha?" She said playfully, and smirked again. He wanted to ask her out at that moment, but to say he was afraid would be an understatement. "Ahm Lilly..." he started. "Yes?" she smiled brightly and he was instantly frozen in place. "Hmm, I was wondering... you know, about..." he tried to find the words, but they were nowhere to be found. "Actually I don't know" she said and started to laugh.  "Oh my god, please don't laugh, I'm gonna die... yes, this is how I die". He was being overly dramatic in his head and he tried to finish his sentence once again. "Would you by any chance... you know maybe, wanted to go out with me?" He squinted like he was preparing for a slap, and then he saw her face. She was disappointed. At least that's what he saw. "I... I don't..." she murmured and slowly turned around and walked away. He was just staring blankly at her back wondering what just happened. He just stood there until bell "woke him up". He slowly turned around and continued walking to his next class.

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