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I was tagged by itsthearchergirl , thanks for that by the way.

1: Are you named after someone?
*shrugs* I don't think so. Probably some Ancient Greek hero.

2: When was the last time you cried?
Hmmm well I was born in 1936 so the last time I cried was 1946. Then I joined the Hunt.

3: Do you like your handwriting?
Γυ*κ ηο ωαγ ίη Ηαdεξ

4: What is your favorite lunch meat?

5:  If you were another person, would you be your friend?
No, because I'd never be another person.

6: Do you use sarcasm?
No, why would you ever think that? *walks away whistling random tune*

7: Do you still have your tonsils?
Um yes? The Apollo kids never said otherwise....

8: Would you bungee jump?
Depends on how high....

9: Favorite kind of cereal?
Whole grain, recommended by Demeter.

10: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No... I wear sandals.

11: Do you think you are a strong person?
Physically: Yes, you don't wish to get on my "bad side".

Mentally: N/A

12: What's your favorite ice cream?
Boys'n'Berry. It's like a blackberry-vanilla thing. Ironic I know.

13: The first thing you notice about people?
Their weaknesses and personality traits. Don't judge me.

14: Red or Pink?
Black. You got a problem with that?

15: Favorite and least favorite physical thing about yourself?

Favorite: my eyes, they turn deep black when I'm furious.
Least favorite: My teeth because they are actually visible bones.

16: what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?

16: what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?

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17: The last thing you ate?
I'm eating right now, lol.

18: What are you listening to right now?Nico trying to tell me that McDonalds is better than Chick-Fil-A and that I'm committing sacrilege

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18: What are you listening to right now?
Nico trying to tell me that McDonalds is better than Chick-Fil-A and that I'm committing sacrilege.

19: What color shirt are you wearing right now?

19: What color shirt are you wearing right now?

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Piper made me do it.

20: If you were a crayon, which color crayon would you be?
Black. Also, am I the only one who pronounces "crayon" 'cr - an' ?

21: Favorite smell?
Vanilla-bean, the smell of Starbucks, or the smell of new books.

22: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My friend/pen pal whom I met while in Florida for Thanksgiving. In a rollerskating rink actually.

23: Favorite sport you like to watch?
I like to watch the games of Capture the Flag between the Greeks and Romans, and Chariot races. Also, there's something called 'soccer' that is quite enamoring.

24: Hair color?
Dark dark dark brown/ raven black.

Thanks for reading! I'll see you again next time I get tagged... speaking of which, I tag:














Hehe 😏 Aren't I evil?

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