Chapter 37: Off To The Ball

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Kelsey made Jack sit next to her while she called her parents and sent them a picture of the ring. Then, as they walked back to the hotel, he told her about the trials and tribulations he'd gone through to get it.

"That's what all the weirdness has been about," he confessed as they walked along the river. He kept a hand on her elbow, guiding her, because Kelsey couldn't stop looking at her left hand. "See, I was supposed to have it before we left the States, but banking is so complicated, and something didn't work, so I had to get Kiki involved, and she had to get her friend Molly to help. Molly works at a bank here in London. That's why I missed the suit fitting in LA last week.

"See," he went on earnestly, "I got the money, then I transferred it last week, and ordered the ring, and it was supposed to come in three days ago, but it didn't, so I had to transfer the money here, and Molly had to get involved and grease the wheels--I finally got it in the middle of the night, last night."

"So Kiki knows about this?" Kelsey asked with a grin.

Jack nodded. "I wanted to do it yesterday, while we were out sightseeing," he explained apologetically. "I had it all planned, a nice dinner in a restaurant overlooking London, the works. But then all of this happened--"

"Hold on, hold on," Kelsey interrupted, struck by something. "This is a tourmaline, right?" She held her hand up to examine the stone.

"Yeah, why?" Jack asked. He looked worried. "That's what you like, right? The Brazilian kind? Paraiba? Isn't that right? Oh god, did I get the wrong kind?"

"No, Jack, it's perfect," Kelsey assured him. "Paraiba Tourmaline, that's exactly right, I can't believe you remembered!" She kissed his cheek as they walked. The Savoy Hotel was in view now. "How did you ever afford this?" Her voice held wonder.

"Well, that's why it's so small," Jack said. "It turns out that's the most expensive kind." He gestured at her hand. "I wanted to get a nice one, in platinum, with nice little diamonds, too, so that was the biggest I could afford." His voice held regret. "I feel kind of dumb, you know? Because you could buy yourself one that was, like, ten times bigger..." He looked at her. "I'm sorry about that."

"Jack." Kelsey had stopped walking. "No. Never, ever apologize to me for this ring again." She cupped his face in her hands. "This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Ever. Ever. Do you understand?" Her voice was made soft from emotion. She leaned in and kissed him. "I love it. I can't believe you could even afford this, though. I know what these guys cost. Where did you get the money?"

Jack smiled as they continued walking, guiding her again as she continued examining her hand, this time in the bright sunlight as they came out from under the shade trees.

"Well, I'm kind of counting on your kindness here," he said. "I mean, school's almost out, and I won't really need it after that, but still..."

Kelsey looked at him, trying to suss out the meaning of his words. "No," she said, eyes wide. "Jack, you didn't, did you?" Again, she stopped walking to look at him. "Jack, did you sell your car to buy me this ring?"

Jack looked at the ground and looked back up at Kelsey, smiling, a little embarrassed. He nodded. "I wanted to ask you to marry me, and I wanted to give you a ring, that's all," he said, shrugging.

"Oh, but Jack, I thought you didn't believe in all that, all this stuff--" Kelsey began. "I thought you were all about parity and everything? Isn't this sexist?" She looked away from him, out at the sparkling River Thames, trying not to cry.

"So, uh, if you don't want me driving one of your cars, I have a bike I can ride, it's no big deal," Jack said, shrugging again.

"Idiot," Kelsey said, slapping at his shoulder without looking at him as she swiped at her tears.

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