i10: home for me is where you are

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It's been one month since Iceland. Exactly one month, to the day, that they boarded a plane and flew out to what would end up as the biggest turning point in their lives that neither of them ever saw coming.

Mitch is wrapped in Scott's arms, and Scott's sleeping quietly behind him. It's sometime past midnight, but Mitch can't sleep. It's not because he's upset, no, he's right where he wants to be. It's just that he has a lot to think about. Scott, mainly, but also snow and stars and Iceland, and the tears, god, the tears.

He's okay now, content. They've been working on it together, chipping away slowly at the miscommunication and the mistrust and just generally trying to start fresh, relearning how to love and how to be loved.

"Mitchy?" Scott whispers, breath tickling Mitch's neck, and Mitch smiles.

"Yeah?" He whispers back, wriggling a little closer.

"Why're you up?"

Mitch turns over so he's face to face with Scott. "Can't sleep."

"Something bothering you?" Scott's eyes crack open, the blue that Mitch loves so much reduced to a dark, dark navy, barely distinguishable with the help of the sliver of moonlight that leaks through their blinds.

"No, just thinking. About us and how much we've been through," Mitch whispers, watching as Scott smiles. He loves Scott's sleepy smiles. They're less blinding, a little softer and sweeter, and Mitch has missed them.

"We've been through a lot, haven't we." Scott's a little more awake now, and Mitch smiles as Scott's eyes open fully and fix on Mitch's gaze.

They lay like that for a moment, nothing spoken but everything understood for just a moment. They're going to be okay, they're going to be here for each other, it's going to work.

"We have," Mitch says a beat too late but somehow it just fits. Scott pulls him in a little closer.

"I have a surprise planned for tomorrow," he whispers into the space between them, and Mitch feels a little sprinkle of anxiety flutter in his tummy, but Scott's next words calm him right back down. "We're gonna go stargazing, if you want?"

Mitch smiles. "Yeah. That sounds fun, but only if we can cuddle. Can we cuddle?"

"Course, Mitchy, of course we can cuddle." The crinkles at the corners of Scott's eyes make an appearance, and Mitch falls in love all over again.

"Good," Mitch says, tucking himself a little closer to Scott.

"Now go to sleep, princess, I love you," Scott says, pressing a kiss to Mitch's forehead. Mitch shivers and kisses what he can reach without too much effort- Scott's bare shoulder.

"I love you too."

"Night, lovely."

"G'night, Scotty."

They fall asleep within moments of each other, breaths synching after a few minutes, and the house is quiet and still and the stars glimmer daintily above.


When they wake up, the sun is bright through the blinds, warming up the room. Mitch opens his eyes to Scott watching him, and he smiles.

"Don't be creepy, Scott," Mitch teases, and Scott ducks his head with a little laugh.

"'m not. Was just admiring your face," he admits, and Mitch blushes. Scott's been more vocal about these little compliments lately, and Mitch still isn't used to it.

"Coffee?" Scott offers after a comfortable, quiet moment.

Mitch nods soundlessly, and they get out of bed. Scott doesn't insist on holding Mitch's hand anymore, not like the first two weeks, but he sticks close to Mitch as they get their coffee and sit on the couch again, a motion they've been repeating almost every morning.

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