Kapitel 1

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I see a figure of a familiar person standing in the distance, in the middle of a wide garden.. He's surrounded by beautiful and colorful flowers, accompanied by a familiar song.. A warm breeze brushes his wavy hair..
As he turns to look at me, I can see sorrow on the corner of his eyes.. why are you crying?


A pair of baby blue eyes were staring at a certain room. A vague tone of a song could be heard. He's sure that someone was playing a piano inside. It's not the first time he heard the piano playing from the abandoned room of an old school which was shut down recently. He braced himself to step closer to the room slowly, trying not to distract the person inside; but when he touched the door the play was stopped and it became completely dead silence. The straight long roseate haired boy had a flinch then he stepped back a little. Urged of knowing what's happened, he dared to open the door of the room slowly releasing a creaking sound which echoing along the corridor. A gentle cold wind whiffling around the empty room with nothing but a white grand piano in the middle of the room. A bundle of papers which was on the cap of the piano scattered by a sudden gust from a broken window. No one was there; no one was seen outside of the window or even left a trace. The boy had a far away look as he stepped to the broken window. His azure orbs were gazing out of the wide field of a grassland which was once a soccer field. With a sad look he left the room after he scanned all the view both inside and outside the room. He hesitated on leaving the abandoned building which had left him some precious memories. His footsteps were a bit heavy but he had to leave no matter what.

"I will come again.." He ended up in a murmur, "as long as I'm still here.. I will definitely find the answer.. Things my heart used to know.."

The white curtains which was covered by dirt waving as it's saying goodbye to him. The familiar building with lightning mark at the top middle might be demolished soon. It had lost its charm as the well known Raimon Highschool, but a strong memory still attached.

Trees along the entrance were withered and dried. The ground was full of cracks same as the walls of the building. Though everything was a doom, the flash back of the routine didn't seem to be vanished. The roseate head boy was just standing in between the empty field and the school building with a shed of sorrow on his eyes. While drowning in the view, he heard the piano playing with the same song as day before. This time, he decided to meet whoever it was, despite of thinking that it might be another entity. He rushed to the music room which was on the ground floor of the building not far from the entrance door. He pushed the door forcedly, making the one who was playing the piano stopped at once. A shadow figure behind the grand piano seemed shocked that froze him on the spot.

"Who's there!?" He exclaimed.

As the wind blew out the room, he clearly saw a certain person who had wavy grayish hair with a pair of brick red eyes. As their eyes met each other, it changed the glum atmosphere around them instantly. A gentle smile greeted the roseate boy.

"Great day, isn't it?" Said the gray head boy while continuing the play, "what brings you here, Kirino?"

Kirino flinched a bit after hearing his name being called. He furrowed his eyebrows not sure that he knew this gray head boy, "Shi.. Shindou? So, it's you the one who play the piano all the time.." He's relieved.

Shindou nodded lightly, "yeah it's me.." He stopped his play then threw his sight to the outside view; his eyes were softened.

"It's been forever since we're here together with the others.." Said Kirino by looking at the same direction as Shindou.

Shindou looked at Kirino then sighed lightly, "I just want to spend my time here until the very last day for this building being demolished.. Will you accompany me, Kirino?"

Kirino smiled at Shindou with a straight nod of agreement. He sat right beside Shindou who started his play once again. The gentle song was enveloping the whole room fusing with the breeze which was colder than before, as a sign of the weather changing. The dry Autumn was slowly leaving them by giving a flurry of snow. It left a pure white trace outside which covering the ground. The very peaceful view of the nature telling all the creatures the coming of the end of the year.

"I have this song for someone whom I love for a very long time.." Said Shindou closing his eyes briefly while still playing the piano.

Kirino flinched a bit. He felt a bit pain on his heart by hearing Shindou's words just now.

"But.. I couldn't tell what I feel clearly ever since our first met back then.." Shindou smiled gently.

Kirino squeezed his pants, enduring his heart which was gone crazy. He lowered his head down not letting Shindou to see his blushing face. All he could do was just giving a response to him with a light nod and tried to get into the conversation. It's beyond what he thought that he would hear those words from him.

"I wanted to present this song but time didn't let me to at least saying goodbye.." Shindou sighed, "we're separated by fate..."

Kirino's eyes twitching a bit as he could know what Shindou wanted to say. He glanced at Shindou, acted like he's curious with the continuation, neglecting the pain which was pricking his heart. He didn't want to hear it more than this, or it's more like he didn't want to admit the bitter truth before his eyes.

"I want to send my song as a message by the escort of the flowing breeze.." Shindou lowered his voice, "for you.. The only one my heart yearning for.." He glanced at Kirino with a soft look on his eyes.

The strain of the song dragging Kirino's mind away in all sudden. He had caught by the flash of his memory. It guided him to the bottom of his scattered memory which were slowly united one by one and as a cracking sound could be heard, he saw a bright light enveloping him totally. The fragrance of the blooming flowers lured him to open his eyes.

Ah.. I know this place.. This is the place where all happened in a blink of an eye...

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