Meet Astral Luna Night.
She has been fascinated with all things space and her favourite things are constellations and the stars at night.
She has been known to have unusual eyes, galaxy clothes, blue hair but most of all she had a reputation of bei...
Pic of Bailey, Selena-Katherine, and Astral's mum above.
💫Astral's Pov💫
As Bailey and I raced down the street I started to drift off, I couldn't help but feel sad that this is how I'm leaving. Not even getting to say goodbye to...oh wait no never mind I've got no one to say goodbye to. I kinda wish I did but I made myself this way. Y'know isolated, alone, mean that kinda stuff.
5 hrs later
After what felt like forever driving on the road for forever, and a few pit-stops on the way, Bailey and I pulled up to our new house. I was beyond shocked. THE HOUSE WAS HUGE!!! I can't believe mum bought us this house.
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There was a pool behind the house, the house had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and dining room, and at the very back of the house just across from one of the rooms was a gym, equipped with a punching bag, ring and all of the other things to go with it.
I got off my bike and walked into the house, I went straight into the first room up the stairs. IT WAS PERFECT!! It even had its own bathroom and walk in closet and it was just across of the gym room too, which is perfect for me cause then I can practice for all my underground fights.
I placed my luggage on the floor and started to unpack whatever was placed in it.
The last thing I placed was a Picture of 'them' on my bed side table. I stared at it for a while, letting a single tear slip down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away.
3 hrs later
I was finally done unpacking and I decided to change.
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Astral's outfit above minus the shoes!
I grabbed my clothes and walked into my bathroom. I let the water run for a while to warm up, when it does I enter and stand for a while letting my body get used to the temperature. When I am used to it, I stand there and let the water cascade down my body. This took 15 minuets before I hopped out and changed into my clothes.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and walked into the living room. I popped down onto the couch and and turned on the Tv. I switched the channels until I came across ink masters. I love this show, they do some awesome tattoos.
As I was halfway through the show I heard the door bell ring. I got up off the couch and opened the door too see a young and HOT pizza guy. I looked at his name tag and it read 'CJ' I bit my lip and found myself checking him out. I looked up to see him checking me out while he was smirking.
"Well hello there hottie, were you the one who ordered this pepperoni pizza?" He questioned with a wink at the end.
Ok well he is hot but I can't let him in and get attached.
"Indeed I am, now can I have my pizza so I can go back to watching Ink masters" I ask getting mad while crossing my arms over my chest giving him my deadliest glare.
He's eyes widen and he stood shock written all over his face.
"Y-you watch that!?" He asks shock still evident in he face and voice.
"Yes, I'm looking to add another tattoo anyway" I say bluntly and I snatch the pizza box out of his hands and placed the money and a tip in his hands and slammed the door in his face.
I walked back to the living room eating one of the slices when I noticed Bailey sitting there and he had changed the channel to watch a car race that was on. I didn't mind I quite liked my cars anyway.
I sat down next to him on the couch and offered him a slice of pizza, to which he took and shoved down his throat. I bursted out laughing as he finished his mouthful.
"Mum called." Bailey stated after he finished his Slice and fished for another one.
My laughing instantly died down and i became very serious. I wondered why she would call him and not tell me straight after.
"And what did she say?" I carefully asked him. I needed to know. But I didn't wanna push it to far either.
"Nothing much, just that we start school tomorrow but we'll be in different year levels." He simply replies back.
I nodded, took one more slice of pizza and told Bailey that I'm going upstairs to sleep since we had school tomorrow. He simply just nodded back with a 'hmm' since he was too engrossed with the race that was on the tv to reply back properly.
I walked up the stairs and walked straight into my room. I changed into my pj's which was just a crop top and bike shorts.
I plopped down onto my bed and stared up at my ceiling. I placed the back of my hand on my forehead and went deep into my thoughts, blocking out the rest of the world.
So many thoughts were running through my head. Like why did we have to leave without mum and Katherine? Who was that pizza guy? What's school gonna be like?
But the one thought that always ran through my head was... "Is anything gonna change this year?"
It kept constantly crossing my mind. I gave a exhausted and frustrated sigh and looked to my left at my alarm clock. It now read that it was 10:30pm. I had been thinking for about an hour now, and it was tiring.
After I rolled back over I pulled the blanket over my body and slowly started to close my eyes. I didn't fall asleep straight away I know that much. I kept tossing and turning...but nothing worked.
After about another hour, my eyelids started to feel heavy and they stared to close. The last thing I remember thinking about was...
"Schools gonna be interesting tomorrow, hope it's more fun then my other schools were."
Then I blacked out letting my dreams consume me and the darkness to rest my body and mind for the hell they call 'school' Tomorrow.
"This is gonna be a barrel of laughs accompanied by another barrel of fun"
I thought sarcastically before the darkness consumed me for the next 10-12 hrs. ~~~~~~~~ A/n Hey lovely readers ;) Sorry for the short chapter but I hoped you liked it, please don't me afraid to comment in your favourite parts. I'll update again soon. Bye for now :)