Lice infestation is a common problem with a lot of information and misinformation out there on the Internet about it. Remember, all the information about them is not reliable. There are many misconceptions about them and their removal that are widely regarded as true. It is important to clear these myths for those who are looking for lice removal in Massachusetts.
Following are some of the myths about lice infestation. It is important to clear them.
Poor hygiene is the main cause of lice infestation
Despite common belief, having a poor hygiene is not something that can lead to an infestation of these tiny wingless creatures. Washing or not washing your hair does not have an impact on them. They do not occur as a result of dirty hair. So, before you say, "I am looking for a professional lice removal near me, understand that lice infestation does not happen due to poor hygiene.
Lice have the ability to fly
The tiny wingless creatures can neither fly nor can they jump. They can only crawl their way round. They get easily transmitted from the head of one individual to another by crawling.
You can get disease from a louse
No doubt, you will have itching, irritation, and extreme discomfort when you are infected by lice. Even they can be stress-inducing and can cause a feeling of embarrassment. But the good news is they are not a source of embarrassment because you can get rid of this problem by taking help of professional offering lice removal in Massachusetts. Also, they do not spread any disease.
An itching head is a sign of infestation
Itching head is a common problem. You will find people itching their head for many reasons. It can be due to dandruff, wounds or dry skin. So if you or your child has an itching head, it does not mean you have headlice.
Pets are a source of headlice
Another myth is that pets can give you lice. This is not at all true. Headlice require human blood to survive and so they only use humans as the host. The lice pets have are different types of parasites. These parasites rely on the specific physiology of the animal in order to survive.
According to experts offering services of lice removal in Massachusetts, there is a lot of misinformation on headlice. To get rid of them with the right treatment, you need professionals with extensive, accurate knowledge of these wingless creatures
Some common myths about lice
RandomLice infestation is a common problem with a lot of information and misinformation out there on the Internet about it. Remember, all the information about them is not reliable. There are many misconceptions about them and their removal that are widel...