Chapter 1: Blood, guts, and a little bit of danger.

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Blood, guns, and screaming. The only music I hear now a days. In this battle it has become evident who the victor would be. We always triumph. In a world riddle with chaos and uncertainty, someone had to keep the peace. That is why I volunteered. Not having any family or dreams does that to a person. I pick up the knife off the ground, clasping my cold pale fingers around the hilt. I took a breath before throwing it, watching it as it made contact with its intended target. Blood splashed from the rouges neck, spraying onto the dirt unceremoniously. I heard the sound of the horn, signaling the battle was at an end. I looked down at my body and examined my short, toned legs, that were covered with scratches, blood, and dirt. My long white-blonde hair blew in the wind, whipping around me. I walked over to the carcass of the wolf that I had slain and collected my knife. Its blade dripped with the bright red blood that covered its sharp metal.

"Remy, you're bleeding." Adeline's voice said from behind me. I felt her magic start accelerating my already fast healing. I could feel the skin beginning to stitch itself back together.

"Thank you, Ady. Any losses on our end?" I turned to look at her and asked. Her curly blonde hair was matted with blood.

"No death, no major wounds. Everyone is accounted for. Marisol is letting the council know that we have completed the mission. Diana is searching the tents with Lara. The rest are settling the horses and preparing for our leave." She reported. Her uniform, like all of ours, showed proof of our battle. The gaunt bronze armor that showed we belonged to the Valkyrie squadron of the Council of the Supernatural, was covered in blood and remnants of the earth. We are often compared to looking like the Amazonian in Wonder Woman or the Spartan woman.

"Any children or woman?" I asked as we began walking towards the tents that the Alpha of this rouge pack of werewolves lived.

"There are two children. Same age, around 6, they are with Evelyn. They look to be abducted. They were in cages, chained down with silver. They haven't talked yet." Ady said, her green eyes filled with worry. She had a soft spot for children. We walked to the tent and inside to see the kids huddled in the corner. I took off my golden cape and walked up to them, wrapping it around their shoulders. These two girls looked like they have been through the ringer. There faces were covered with grime and there bodies showing more than enough evidence of abuse. I gave the nod to Evelyn, letting her know that she can go ahead and use her powers to calm them down. She's an elf, a Woodland Elf. She let off the calming vibes wash over their bodies.

"Hello, my name is Remy. We will not hurt you or let anyone else hurt you for that matter. I need to know your story though, so we can find your homes. Can you tell me?" I asked in a soft voice.

"We were playing outside, in the backyard. I threw the ball to hard, so Sarah and I went to go find it. Two men showed up and hit us. We woke up in the cage." The little girl on the left said. Her brown hair was a rat's nest. Her brown eyes were laced with tears threatening to fall.

"I was only suppose to be with Ashley until daddy's meeting was over." Sarah said as she fiddled with her red curly hair. I bet she's the daughter of an Alpha.

"What pack do you belong to little ones?" I asked. They looked at each other than back at me.

"The Moon Lake pack." Sarah said. "My daddy is the Alpha." I turned my head towards Adelyn. She took the unspoken signal to call the council so they could know what's going on. I pulled the phone from my shin guard and dialed the number to the pack.

"Alpha Everson speaking." A gruff and misplaced voice said.

"Alpha, this is Commander Remy of the Valkyrie Squadron. I believe to have found your daughter and her friend Sarah." I said with pride and relief. I could hear the Alpha sigh in relief, with a brief thank the goddess under his breath.

"I respectfully ask permission to cross your territory to return them home." The courtesies drilled into my head spoke out.

"You have permission Valkyrie. I can't thank you enough for what you have done." He said.

"No need to thank me, I will see you tomorrow. I will inform you of all the details you wish to seek later, just know the threat is neutralized. The council thanks you for your patience." I said into the phone, my voice laced with my authority. Evelyn lifted Ashley onto the horse with her. Putting her small frame in front of hers. I followed suit with Sarah. I clipped my cape on and wrapped a wool blanket from my horse around her small shoulders.

"We are traveling to return these little ones home. We will ride straight there. We can stop tonight to rest the horses and ourselves. Normal procedures." I yelled to my team. 

A/N: Thank you for reading this. It's been a while since I wrote and its refreshing. I hope to hear your comments and cant wait to tell yall more. I will try to update often, but due to school and work it might be a wee bit difficult but have no fear, I will do my best. See yall soon :)

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