Chapter 3-part 1

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AN- Hi guys, sorry I havent uploade in AAAGGGEEESSSS but I have been soo busy, I have my first ever GCSE on the 12th june so I have been revising and taking mock exams and all that Jazz, ok so this is where it gets confusing, what I am uploading now is just part 1 of chaper 3 there is still a little bit that I need to type up of chapter 3, the reason I am posting this on now is because I promised that I would put chapter 3 up when I get 100 reads which I got today, the reason it is missing a bit is because it is 11:00pm and I am really tired and can't concentrate proparly, so instead of making you wait EVEN longer than you already have I will simply put the remaining bit of this chapter up sometime tomorrow :)xx 

by the way, I put selena gomez as the character playing grace, but I am putting no descriptions in the story of what Grace looks like so you can imagine her any way you want, the pic on the side is a FAKE picture of Harry and Selena but for the people who want Grace as Selena I thought it would be nice to put it on ther, and I don't ship Harry and selena I just thought she seemed like a nice peron to have :)

ENJOY BABYCAKES.......................................

"Ok so let me get this straight" Danielle said, looking slightly confused "You got called into Simon Cowell’s office today with the boys to get told that you have to fake date Harry to cover up all of the 'Larry Stylinson' rumors"

"But doesn’t the fact that Louis is actually dating me count for anything?" Eleanor asked, coming back with our drinks, we were currently sat at the back of starbucks in a small corner so no-one would see us and call the paparazzi to tell them we were here, personally I have never had to deal with the paparazzi because I am pretty unknown in the world of fame but it’s a regular occurrence for Eleanor and Danielle.

I had phoned them and arranged to meet up straight after I had been told about the fake dating plan, which I had been dropped into, by no choice of my own

"Apparently the rumors will only die down if both of the boys are in a serious relationship, Simon said it is the only way to make it clear that Harry and Louis are not gay" I replied to Eleanor’s question

"Hey, I can tell you now, the things Louis does to me, definitely not gay" Eleanor said jokingly

"Ahhh, my ears, whatever rumpy bumpy goes on between you and Louis, keep it to yourselves" I said whilst Eleanor and Danielle  were just laughing at me.

"In all seriousness though, what are you going to do?" Danielle asked

"To be honest I have no idea, I have never really had like a proper boyfriend, I don’t even know how to act like a proper couple with someone"

 "Wait, what do you mean, you have never had a proper boyfriend, you have lost your..." Danielle asked, giving me and implying look

"Dani, if you are asking if I have ever had sex then yes I have, I have even has sex with Harry a few times" I tell them thinking nothing of it 

this caused Eleanor to spit her drink everywhere "YOU HAVE HAD SEX WITH HARRY"

"haha, yeah, when we were back in school we used to fool around sometimes, but what do you expect I mean c’mon, we were a boy and a girl who were best friends, did everything together, we were 16 and uber hormonal" I say, shrugging it off, it was a while ago I am now 18 and over that shizz

"so what exactly do you mean when you say you have never had a proper boyfriend then?" Danielle said, snapping me out of my thougts

"I mean that I have never had that boy, the one who you take strolls along the beach with, the one who you can just walk around, fingers entwined, the one who you can snuggle up to at night, like you both have with Liam and Lou, every time I got got close to having a relationship like that Harry used to scare them off with how overprotective he was of me, or the guy would make me choose between him or Harry, and every time I used to pick Harry because, well because Harry was my best friend, he was the one I could always trust to be there for me, I wasn’t going to lose all of that just for some guy"

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