Chapter 4 Preview- ' Me Oh my, You are the apple of my eye.'

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  Nikki's thoughts were fairly jumbled up, the one that kept repeating itself was ' When can I get food?' Another was ' Does Max not care that Were basically holding hands?' Then she remarked to herself ' Well, I guess I really do act naive. God Were just holding hands it's not the bad.'

  Max noticed how Nikki was just mumbling things to herself as they got inside, the house had a kind of old but rustic feeling to it. He guided her to the couch seeing how she was still arguing with herself and he snapped his fingers in her face. ' Niiiikkkki!' He waved his hand infront of her face and she snapped at his hand a bit and he sighed ' You Seriously still do that?..'  He snickered a bit and Nikki rolled her eyes ' That's what you could've gotten!' She crossed her arms and legs like a little kid pouting. Max chuckled and sat beside her and turned on the tv, He subconsciously wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, He actually made it look subconscious when he was full aware of what he had done. 

Nikki on the other hand started to go crazy in her mind. One thought stuck out the most  ' O-Okaaay... Maybe it is that bad.... and maybe I like that...' 

' Hangovers Are the F*cking worst. ' Teenage!Max X Nikki.Where stories live. Discover now