Chapter 2 (When the Bell Tolls 1:00)

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(Boris narration)

Boris then flipped through the pages of the story next to the fire in his red robe.

"Ah your back for another chapter I see, well I was kinda expecting you too, and I baked some cookies and warm milk, and I brought some hot chocolate mix packets, just in case you wanted hot chocolate instead of warm milk. Well don't just stand there come on in grab a seat have a cookie" said Boris

You look at the chair that is very similar to Boris's, you shrug and take a seat, grab a cookie and some milk and mixed the Chocolate mix into it. Boris smiles and opens the book.

"Chapter 2" said Boris

(Into the story)
Bendy was lost in thought when he heard a sound coming from the paper on his desk. Bendy lifted his head up and looked at the paper, the ink on the changes began to morph into a familiar face.

"J.j...j...Joey" said Bendy in wonder

"BENDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Joey on the paper.

Bendy flew out of his chair from shock and fear, Bendy closed his eyes waited for something to happen...but nothing.

Bendy slowly opened his eyes and saw that the ink was back to normal, Bendy shrugged and walked over to his desk, Bendy was starting to get hungry, but before he got some food he checked around his room for any other questionable things going on.

Bendy finally decided to get some dinner, Bendy quickly walked over to his mini fridge and grabbed some cheese,bread, beef, and gravy, he cooked it up and began to eat.

Bendy was in his robe and sitting next to his bed near the fire place in his room, as Bendy was sitting in silence, he was thinking about Alice and what to do, and because of that Bendy's food tasted flavorless and plain.

Bendy was finishing up the last of his food when he started to hear some strange noises like chains being dragged across the floor, Bendy looked behind him at his desk, and the ink began to form again except Bigger the ink began to take almost a cocoon shape.

Then all the sudden 5 chains flew out of the ink and crashed on the floor Behind Bendy, Bendy turned back to see the chains and Bendy noticed something on the end of them they had ink bottles and money boxes.

Bendy looked Behind him to see that the ink cocoon was breaking and deporting and as the ink was lowering down Bendy could start to see a familiar face but only he could see through him. When the ink completely lowered and went back to normal. Bendy could see who it was except he was wrapped in chains from head to toe.

Bendy felt a cold wind in the room where he looked at the being, the being opened his eyes and saw Bendy and had a stern look on his face.

"Oh look if it isn't the Dancing Demon Bendy, looking older and more wicked then ever...I knew you wouldn't dissipoint me" The Being said with a chuckle.

Bendy was shaking in his chair Wh...wh...who are you?" Bendy asked

"Who am i...who am life I was your partner the man who taught you the man named Joey Drew" said Joey

" looks like you....but I don't belive it" said Bendy

"Why do you Dougt your senses Bendy?" Joey asked

"Cause a little thing can affect them, a slight disorder of the stomach could make them cheat, you may be a but of undigested beef, a blob of mustard, a crumb of cheese...yes their's more of gravy than of grave about you" said Bendy while standing up and walking to the back of the room.

Joey just smiled and gave out a big laugh "More gravy then of Grave, what a terrible pun where do you get this stuff" said Joey walking off the table and onto the floor" said Joey

"Please Joey please don't criticize always did" said Bendy

"Well yes in life at least, look Bendy I'm gonna cut to the chase of why I'm here, I'm a chained tortured soul I can't actually die, and I see what my life has left me with and I wish to repair it and it starts with you, if I can change you, I can finally rest in peace, and I see Evrey Christmas you kept your thing about hated it and now I see that it is important so I'm trying to save you from my fait" said Joey while looking at himself in the mirror

"What?" Said Bendy with a confused face.

Joey facepalmed "OK I'll to explain this in another way" said Joey

(SONG time)

Joey: I'm Joey drew,
Averious and greed.
I took advantage of the poor,
Just ignored the needy
I specialized in causing pain,
Spreading fear and doubt.
And if you could not pay the rent,
I simply threw you out!

Joey: There was the year I fired the entire musical staff
HA,I remember tham all standing in the snow bank.
With their little frost-bitten teddy bears!

Joey gave out a big laugh, then shutterd like a cold wind just hit him or a bad memory came back.

Joey: I'm Joey Drew
My heart was painted black.
Ishould have known my evil deeds
Would put me deep in shackles.
Captive, bound, I'm double-ironed,
Exhausted by the weight.
As freedom comes from giving love,
So, prison comes with hate.

I'm Joey Drew, aboooooo.
I'm Joey Drew, abooooooo.

Bendy: But my friend, you were not unfeeling towards your fellow men.
Joey: True, there was something about mankind I loved.
Well maybe it was their money!

Joey laughed and then pointed at Bendy, Bendy was confused when all the sudden Joey's ghost chains wrapped around his body even though they were ghost chains they had the weight of real chains.

Joey then flew really close to Bendy with chains in his hands.

Joey: Doomed, Bendy! You're doomed for all time.
Your future is a horror story, written by your crime.
Your chains are forged, by what you say and do.
Money boxes: So, have your fun; when life is done, a nightmare waits for you.

Bendy was able to break free from the chains.

Bendy: What are these terrible chains?
The chains began to wrap all around Joey's Body chocking him and getting tighter around his body
Joey: Aaaaaah, the chains.
I forged these chains in life by my acts of greed.
You wear such a chain yourself.
Bendy: Humbug! Speak comfort to me, friends.
The chains began to pull Joey back and wrap more and more around him
Jeoy: Comfort? Aaaaaaah You will be haunted by three spirits,
Bendy: Haunted? I've already had enough of that.
Joey: Without these visits you can not hope to avoid the path I tred.
Expect the first ghost tonight, when the bell tolls one!
Bendy: Can't I meet them all at once and get it over with?
Joey: When the bell tolls one!

I'm Joey Drew, whoooooa.
I'm Joey Drew, whoooooa.

[Lyrics heard only on the album version]
I'm Joey Drew,
And now it's time to part
To go back where they keep my kind,
The wretched and the heartless
The news I've shared has got you scared
I'm glad that I got through
So make amends (and make some friends!)
The future's up to you!

I'm Joey Drew, whoooooa.
I'm Joey Drew, whoooooa.
I'm Joey Drew, whoooooa.

The chains pulled Jeoy down farther and father down through the floorboards he went, but before he was gone Bendy heard Joey yell one last thing as he left.

(End song)

Bendy was left in his room, it was dark and it was starting to warm back up, Bendy was to worried about what to do, Bendy quickly checked the clock and it was almost midnight.

Bendy was having a hard time prossecing what just happened, Bendy simpy just shrugged it off and walked over to his bed and climbed on, Bendy threw a blanket on him and started to doze off to sleep, for he was not exited at what is going to happen at 1.

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