The Typical Teenager Type

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My eyes struggled to open being greeted by the blazing sun pushing through the curtains. The sound of the song "Kiss Me" by sixpence non the richer blaring through the speakers on my Iphone telling me to wake up. I struggled to get up as I find myself entangled in my white sheets and my comforting zebra blanket. I hear footsteps quickly walking to the door and I sit there waiting for the yelling of my mothers voice telling me to wake up. 

"Brooooooke time to get up," my mom yells as she obnoxiously bangs on my door. I ignored her and got out of bed. I quickly rushed over to my phone to stop the music that was still blaring. I then of course do my usual morning routine, and get dressed for school. I wore a white dress with laced arms and my white converse. Fancy huh? Well today I decided to randomly look nice. I curled my light, long, brown hair making it look wavy and not like freakin curly fries. I hated when girls curled their hair making there hair look like the fries I was about to order at burger king. That's just my opinion. I grabbed my bag, keys, and drove to school. 

There I was greeted by my best friend Kat. We always arrived at the same time making an appearence walking in together. I didn't hate school actually. I kept straight A's and was never involved with drama. Drama was hell for me and I never wanted to experience it. The first period bell rung and i started to walk towards my first class. 

Mrs. Turner, our science teacher, started off the morning by taking roll and then proceeding into the lesson. My gawd I was bored to death. Speaking of death, I'm pretty sure Mrs. Turner had one foot in the grave. She was a nice old lady but definitely the most boring teacher in the universe.

Finally class was over and of course I went to my 2nd, 3rd, and finally my 4th period class. I had 4th period lunch and let me just say, there was not one day we didn't have fun at lunch. I walked to my table and sat myself down and opened up lunch. As soon as I put my Pasta in my mouth, ready to devour this amazing master piece my mom made last night, HE caught my eye. He was sitting exactly 2 tables in front and was spaced perfectly so that I could still stare at his perfection. His chiseled cheek bones, his perfect chocolatey hair falling in place, and his perfectly, straight smile whiped across his face as conversing with his friends. Man he was perfect. 

His name was Justin. He was perfect. Good grades, good looks, great personality, etc. He's everything I wanted. We had been Best friends since 3rd grade. But we never sit together. He hangs with his guys and I hang with my Girls. But after we are done eating we usually all join each other right after and do what we think is fun. On the weekends we do homework together and talk about school. Ya know, the typical teenager type. It wasn't until this year that I started gaining feelings for him though. We were Juniors in highschool and I mean I want to be ready for my life when I am a senior. I knew what college I wanted to attend, my finances, everything I needed but all that was missing was that perfect boy. 

I didn't know if he had feelings or not but I hoped. Whenever we hug I felt something click. As if my arms were made perfectly to wrap around his shoulders and neck covering his body in a loving embrace. But once again I never knew how he felt... 

The day ended and I started walking to my car. I was thinking about how weird the day was. He kept his distance from me. Never making eye contact. Never said bye. Never even saying 'Hi'. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something offensive? Was he just plain out sick of me? I dont know but it was just bugging me the entire day.

Finally after hours of sitting on my bed pondering about life and how I just wanted Justin to tell me he had feelings for me too, I hear my phone ring, alarming me that someone texted me. It was a text from Justin. YASSS! I was thrilled but worried at the same time to find out why he hadn't talked to me the whole day. 

Justin: Hey.

Brooke: Look who finally decided to speak to me! 

Justin: Ya haha sorry about that. 

Brooke: So what's up? Why did you ignore me alllllll day? I couldn't even find you anywhere. 

Justin: I have to tell you something. 

Brooke: Okay....what's up? 

Justin: I have a girlfriend.

And there I sat on my queen sized bed with my phone in my hand staring at those stupid 4 words. My heart blew up, shattering into several pieces. I never texted back. I didn't shed a tear actually. I think I was more angry than sympathetic for myself. I always wanted to tell him how I felt but never did thinking it would ruin our friendship if he didn't feel the same way. But now he was someone else's. And I would have to deal with it...for now. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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