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[Please note: This story may contain language which some viewers find offensive. Grammatical errors may occur, since I am not a professional writer, and write for the love of writing and imagination. Any comments, ideas and constructive criticism are considered useful. This story is based on fiction and any names, places or resemblance to real life is purely coincidental. And thank you for reading =) ]


It was pretty obvious that I was new to this school, as I entered the school driveway. The board read: Welcome Back to Hanmore High School. 

I had orientation the previous week with my older twin brothers, Brooks and Greyson, and kinda knew what I had to do and where I had to go.I had gotten my schedule and a small map of the school. I knew how to get to school, and since my dad bought given me a new-old truck he got at a secondhand car shop, I could drive myself to school. It was a 1998 Chevy, that had recently gotten a new black spraypaint. It wasn't much, but it was mine. 

I fumbled for my books, after I  parked my car in the student parking. I could see hundreds of people walking past each other. Greeting one another after not seeing each other for 3 months, couples making out, people having arguments, people getting stoned, last minute tasks and homework being done (possibly for extra credit?) and just people chilling out and ready for the first day of school. Once again, it was obvious I was new, since news seemed to spread fast in school, maybe even in the town. I could feel people staring at me, but I just got out of the truck, slung my bag over my shoulder, pulled down my LA Lakers jersey, flipped my hair back to its spot and shut the door of my Chevy. I could hear whistles from the car next to me, "Hey baby!" and cat calls followed. I just snorted at them, flipped a middle finger in their direction and walked toward the doors. I think I heard mouths drop to the ground. 

As I entered the hallway, all I could see were boys. Senior boys. They were throwing footballs and basketballs around, and the girls at their side seemed to be their girlfriends, random cheerleaders they had a fling with or just random sluts that made their way through all the jocks of HHS. The girls were texting, putting on make-up and they seemed to be waiting for someone. Typical high school assholes. Thought they only existed in books. I smirked at myself, pulled out my BlackBerry and earphones, shuffled my songs and turned on my music. I needed a song to start my day out with. 

They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books to make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son, so they can watch all the things you do. My Chemical Romance, the corners of my mouth tucked up. Just what I needed. I pulled out my schedule and saw I had to go to room 532 for Home Room. I pushed it back into my pocket and started walking along, past all the senior boys and was half relieved that no ball hit my face. I noticed that the girls were all glaring at me, like I did something wrong. I didn't really care that they didn't like me. I wasn't here for them anyway. Another clog in the murder machine. They said all teenager scare the living shit out of me. I was so into my song-mode to notice someone exiting a room, I bumped into him.. 


[Author's Note: Basically I haven't given away her name yet, or who this 'him' is, but all in do time. So this is just the start. Hopefully the story will go the distance and I hope to have a few awesome readers/supporters/friends. Any critique or advice? Please feel free to tell me.

Love and music chords

xxx Megan ]

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