Jimin (Requested)

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LoriBulnes here's one of your requests (so late I am sorry)

*Lori's POV*
   Today's the day......the day my last name will change to Park, the day I can officially call him mine. My wedding day.
   "LORI YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES!" I hear my mom yell. I looked at my stylist and asked her if she was almost done which she replied with a yes.



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   "Annnnnnnddddddd...............DONE!" She finished the last of your makeup, and you were finished. *knock knock* "Lori it's time." I took a deep breath, and let my feet guide me to a new chapter.
   Standing at the doors with my father, he couldn't help but cry. He cried saying that his daughter was finally walking on her own, on her own path, without her parents. He couldn't have been happier. He walked me down the aisle, and when it was time to part ways I kissed his cheek, and whispered: "I love you, dad."

   "You look beautiful as always Lori." Jimin whispers. "You look handsome as always Jimin," I replied. "We are gathered here today to wed these two lovely people whom I am proud to call a couple." the priest stated. Just then I heard people cheering, but it was coming through one ear and out the other as I only focused on my soon to be husband. "You may now say your vows." I heard, with that said I got handed my vows I had written a few months in advanced, the same action is done to Jimin.

   "Lori I still remember the day I first met you, it may not have been the perfect introduction that day, but it was the most imperfectly perfect meet in my eyes. As I grew closer to you I soon found out your passion for painting so, from that day onward I asked you to always think of me when drawing, to bring out the best. One night, that's all it took for me to fall in love, to feel a feeling I was sure no one has ever felt, and if they ever said they did they were lying because they never met you. That feeling was like I was flying, you in my arms, soaring in the air trying to find an end in this love only to realize there was never going to be one. You in my arms, you and me, it was something I could never let fall, and fade into the moonlight as if it never appeared before. I vow to be there by your side every day, every night if that is what you ask of me." Jimin finished. By that time though every woman in that room, even some men, were in tears, but the only person that he truly saw the tears of was mine.

   "I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I promise to work with you to foster and cherish a relationship of equality knowing that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Today, I choose you to be my husband. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return. I will care for you, stand beside you, and share with you all of life's adversities and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the days of my life. Days with you by my side, days with you being an idiot, within those days I found love, and I hoped for you to love me in return. God must have heard my prayers because in just a few hours bottles of champagne will be popping, and you will be right there beside me to experience it all." I finished. I looked up to find Jimin in tears as well.

   "If anyone would like to object to this marriage please speak now or forever hold your peace." Jimin and I looked around the room as it was dead silent. "You may now kiss the bride" the priest continued. Jimin held my waist gently, and gave me a long, passionate, full of love kiss.

After party~

I went to my dressing room to change into my party dress.

*After party dress*

I walked through the doors with Jimin after we were both ready, and just as the doors opened we heard cheering

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I walked through the doors with Jimin after we were both ready, and just as the doors opened we heard cheering. Left and right I saw family and friends with big smiles on their faces. "FINALLY HAD THE BALLS TO DO IT HUH JIMIN?!" I heard a familiar voice yell, I looked to my right and saw the man himself, Min Yoongi. Jimin and I walk towards him and the rest of the guys. "Hey man! You got yourself a woman before me, how did that happen?" Taehyung asked. And that was my night, being with all the idiots that I learned to love with time, and learned to care for the rest of it too.

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