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Its the first day for my last year of the High School. I get up from the bed and wash myself. After getting ready, I walk to the kitchen.

Rose: Morning, Mom. Dad.
Mom: Morning. How are you feeling?
Rose: Don't remind me, please? *sad face*
Dad: Its not bad, Rose. *giggles*
Rose: I know. *look at the clock* Oh no! I'm gonna be late! Bye! See you tonight!

I close the door and get hit by someone. I rub my head and look at the person.

Rose: Sor..Sorry.
Joseph: Its okay.

He walks away and I follow him from behind. Joseph and I are in the same school, same class and live in the same condominium. We always "walk" together to the school. And Joseph is my one and only crush. Other people always says that he is quite cold to people. But I know, he has his soft spot. After walking in to the school, I sit on my class. I notice Joseph sits on the third row whereas I sit on the second last of the rows. Then, the bell rings.

Mrs Flora: Okay everyone! Settle down! I have good news and bad news. Which one you like to hear first?
Student1: Good!
Student2: Good! Good!!
Mrs Flora: Well then. The good news is, you can play outside the class.
Students: *screams and excited*
Mrs Flora: The bad news is, you need to clean the leaves on the pathways around the school.
Student3: Is it only our class or everyone?
Mrs Flora: We will be taking turns to clean the school. And our class has been picked tobe the first.
Student4: Why...why??
Mrs Flora: Come on now. All of you get up and clean.

I take a broom and start to sweep the pathway half heartedly.

Amber: *push me by the shoulder* What's wrong with you? Did yo tell him yet?
Rose: *look at Joseph* Not yet.
Amber: It's your last year of the school. You don't have time! You should do something before someone snatch him from you.
Rose: Who?!
Amber: Her. *points at Joseph who is taling to a girl*
Rose: Isn't that Jessica? *Amber nods* What is she doing? *Amber lifts her shoulders*
Amber: Maybe, just MAYBE she likes him too.
Mrs Flora: Amber, can you help me for a moment?!
Amber: SURE! Do something before she does.

Amber left me alone. After a while, some of the students are sweeping at the other place. I slowly take my courage to walk towards him. I let out a deep breath and stand infront of him.

Joseph: What are you doing here?
Rose: I...I.. *look around*
Joseph: What? You what?
Rose: I...I like you.
Joseph: I don't like you.

I run away from him and sweep on the other side of the school. After an hour cleaning the school, I sit on my desk and wipe all my sweats. Then, I lay my head on my arms.

Amber: *slams the desk* Hey! How was it?
Rose: Can you please let me sleep? What is it?
Amber: *drinks water* How was just now? I saw you standing with *I close her mouth when I see Joseph comes in* Okay okay.
Rose: I told him that I like him.
Amber: Then?
Rose: Nothing happen. *lay down* As always, he's being cold to others.
Amber: At least you have done the hard part.
Rose: *mummers* Don't really care right now. I'm sleepy.

Few minutes later, Amber wakes me up as the teacher walks in but I ignore her.

Mr Mark: Rose! Why don't you solve the problem?
Amber: Rose, Mark's calling you. *shake my arm*
Mr Mark: Did she sleep again?
Amber: Yes teacher.

Mr Mark walks towards my desk and slams the desk. I immediately stand up and some of the class laugh.

Mr Mark: Sleep in my class. Again. You didn't even have my book on your desk!
Rose: I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again.
Mr Mark: Sure. *glares* I want you to solve the problems on the board.

I walk to the front, pick up the marker and stare blankly on the board. I close my eyes regretfully.

Mr Mark: Can't you even answer that? It's so straight forward questions.
Rose: *turn back* I can't.
Mr Mark: Is there anyone that want to help her?
Jackson: I do! *all the students including me turns to him* I'll solve the problems.

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