When I walked in I saw blood all over.......the blood was coming from.....JILL.NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN NOOOO. I ran downstairs to get Wyatt but he was nowhere Then I heard A thump and something being dragged. I went back up to wyatts and Jill's room and what I saw I could not comprehend....JILL was gone. there was blood trailing out the window but when I looked there was no more. I immediately went to call the police. When I was about to pick up the phone I saw the little girls again and so did Lilly because she was screaming but something was holding be back.
I couldn't move nothing I was staring at the little girls and I couldn't stop one of them started to talk she said " I told you not to leave yet you did"
-----Flash back -------
I saw the little girls this is the second time one stepped forward while the other was smiling menacingly at me with her head tilted.FRIGGIN SCARY. the other one started to speak " listen Alex you will not leave this house. if you do we will hurt you but also your daughter. " I looked over and the other girl suddenly had Lilly slung over her arm looking almost dead. I ran for Lilly and then the two girls were gone leaving Lilly and I in our room then I heard the girls voice saying "remember"
-end of flashback---
"Now we will get you" they said in unison. At that I ran up stairs grab Lilly and ran downstairs. But when I got down I saw...... Wyatt. I looked around the little girls were gone I set Lilly down and said "Wyatt Jill-Jill is g-gone I said in a half whisper. He said " Alex get away from me I don't want to hurt u "he said almost pleadingly.
Why Wyatt you did nothing wrong then he started to yell he said"YES I DID I KILLED HER I KILLED HER.he said it the second time like he was saying it too himself I said "Who Wyatt" " I KILLED JILL MY OWN WIFE" he answered crying.
The closet
HorrorThere's a mom named alex and her daughter Lilly and there is something or someone in her closet........