Chapter 17

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Jai's POV:

            I am really stupid how could I be jealous ??? I never been jealous in my life .  I am very happy that I found a girl who understands me very well.I am the luckiest person in the whole world. With that thought I went to sleep.

           BEEP....BEEP  I groaned the one sound that  I hate the most is alarm. Then I went to take bath. Then I was about to wear my shirt then Vennela suddenly entered the room and she was staring at me for 30seconds ."Like what you are seeing " I asked her with a smirk. She blushed and stammered "No....I....uh".

            Then I told " I know the truth ". She just ran out of my room and I chuckled at her cuteness.Then I went down to have my breakfast. After eating. I thought of giving Vennela a surprise.

            I went to her room and I told "Be ready at 4:00 I am going to take you out . She nodded and smiled at me.

Vennela's POV:

              Jai came to me and told that he was taking me out I was so exited. I couldn't help but I was smiling like a fool after he went .

                Then I went to my closet and searched what I could wear . Then I found a black saree which was gifted by Jai

(Sorry guys I am so lazy to write let's skip to the date 😅)

                 I was ready then Jai came knocked the door. He was so handsome and I didn't realize that I was staring at him .He smirked at me and said "Take a picture it will last long" . I blushed at his word

              Then we went to his car as a gentleman he opened the door for I smiled and mumbled 'thank you' and he returned my smile with his million dollar one.

               During the car ride we were talking and laughing. As I was seeing outside the window there was a man selling gulfi. And I love gulfi.....When I was a kid I used to eat a lot but recently I didn't have a chance to eat .

               Then I said "Jai...stop the car I want to eat kulfi" as I said he stopped the car."Jai....please I want kulfi" with my best puppy eyes I know he can't resist it .He chuckled at me and I said "You stay here I will go and buy because there are more vehicles passing by".

             I smiled and thought I am so lucky to have him. He crossed the door.Then he bought kulfi from the seller.I couldn't contain my excitement so I came out from the car and waited for him to cross the road .

             He was crossing the road then suddenly a car hit him and the next second he was in the ground and blood was all over the road .I couldn't realize what happened .

             This can't happening.

             No....noooo .

              This all because of me.

          Within a second crowd was forming around him . I ran to him and saw that he was hurt so badly I put his head on my lap and shouted

            I said "Jai please stay with me"as I could feel tears running down my face . His bright face was now pale and he smiled at me weakly and "Always "then he fell unconscious that made tear up.

            Then ambulance came and two men  put Jai on a stretcher and we got inside the ambulance .This is all because of me ,the only person I loved is hurt because of me.I am so stupid if I didn't ask Jai for kulfi he would not had been in this situation. I messed up again

           The only right decision I made is that I loved him. Yes he had been sweet and caring. Why this had to happen to him he was an angel he made everyone smile and he made me love myself . The best thing that ever happen to me is that I had the chance to meet him.

            We went inside the hospital and he was admitted  in ICU. I had already made call to Jai's dad . They were on the way.Why god? why? why can't this happen to me? 
             Now all of the family members are in the hospital and I already told the information.They were very much worried. I was crying so hard and Atharvaa was comforting me.He said "Don't cry ammu he will not leave you because he love you with his heart I see his eyes twinkles whenever he sees you".

             No he will not leave me . He will be always with me. Then doctor came out he said "He is safe and the operation is successful". Yesssss......I feel like the happiest person in the world . All of them were smiling.

             "But his head was hit very hard so the medulla oblongata is damaged so he lost his memory "the doctor said .



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