New life?

14 1 0

I was awakened by the big boom of hitting the ground of the runway. I looked around and Lilly had both of our blankets folded up and just about to put them in her bag I still had the pillow behind my head.

In a few minutes I had everything packed up and was just waiting for the ding saying we were free to leave.

We got out of our row and it was like waiting in a line at a new startbucks that just opened up in town.

Finally we got out of there and Lilly turned to me

"How long is our layover here?"

I looked at my watch and it was nine twenty

"Not long we about a half an hour to get there."

"Awe so no shopping?" She asked teasingly but with a little seriousness in her voice

I giggled "no shopping."

Once we found our gate the minutes pasted fairly quick before we had to get on the plane and once again I found myself asleep ten minutes into the plane ride but since this was a seven hour flight and the other was a four hour flight lil had to wake me up so I could eat something.

The flight was good. Even though Lilly gets air sick, this trip wasn't that bad.

We landed and got off the plane safely but instead of finding our next flight we went to the baggage claim cause guess what? We are in California!

Me and Lilly grabbed our bags and I pulled out my phone

When I turned it on I saw I had two texts from Sam.

I started reading the first one

Hey little sis, I rolled my eyes and continued on with the text.

We just made it to Boston and are grabbing a taxi right now I'll text you when we get settled.

I scrolled down to the next one.

Got into our dorm and going to bed for the night. Love ya good night.

That was about 6 hours ago.

I quickly texted back.

K we just got to California ill let you know what happens and love you too! <3

I heard a big sound and when I looked up I saw Lilly and this guy that looked around our age on the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" Lilly exclaimed

I could tell she was embarrassed

"No it's my fault." The mysterious stranger said while helping Lilly up

When I saw his face he had light blond hair with blue eyes and honestly he was kinda cute but don't get me wrong I just hint he's attractive.

"No seriously I bumped into you I should have been paying attention." Lilly said

I went over there to try to help her.

"What's going on?" I asked even though I already knew

"I accidentally bumped into her." Said the stranger

I chuckled "Oh ok. I'm kinda surprised she didn't run into you. She has a tendency to be a little clumsy." I said teasingly

She glared at me and then turned back to him.

"So where are you headed?" She said trying to get past the awkward moment

"Um. I was just about to call a cab to pick me up to go to college.

"Ya we were just about to do that too." I jumped back into the conversation

"What college are you going to?" Lilly changed the subject

"You guys probably don't know it's an pretty off the charts school." He answered

"Ya ours is too." Lil answered

"Well I got to get going and I'm sorry again for bumping into you." He winked at Lilly

"Wait I didn't catch your name."

"I'm Ryan"

"I'm Lilly and this is Sabrina" she pointed to me and flashed her perfect smile at him.

"Ok bye guys. Maybe I'll see you around." He said and returned her smile with an equal dazzling smile

"Ya maybe." She but her lip and waved

After he left I looked at Lilly with a eyebrow raised.

"So what was that about?" I asked

"Oh umm nothing I just tripped."

"But I think you like him."

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"Well pretty much every time you think someone is cute or attractive in someway you curl your hair with your finger."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Like every time you see my brother." I gave her a I-know-you-know-I-won-face. She's had a big crush on my brother for years but she'll get over it. By the way she looked at that boy I know she will.

"Fine I think he's cute. Now that I have admitted can we carry on with our day?"

I looked at my watch again and it read five-fifty-three but since we are in California now it's three hours back so it's almost three O'clock here.

"Do you think we can come early to the school?" I queried

"Umm maybe but what time is it?"

"Three o'clock California time."

"Maybe we should call the school and ask them."

"Can you do that? I have to use the bathroom."


Once I returned from the restroom Lilly told me they said it was fine that we came and we called a cab.


Sorry the last two chapters are so short! I didn't want the update to take to long so I decided to do a smaller one but I promise the next ones will be longer!

Just so I make myself clear this is a fictional book so not all facts are true but some of them are so don't go nagging on me if I get the temperature off or something. Thank you!

This book also isn't edited that well I do the best I can but sometimes my best isn't good enough so please no corrections!

I don't know how to put a picture on but Madison Riley is the actress who plays sabrina.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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