C. 3

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Chapter 3

Cuts & Causes

I remembered my first day in the classroom. I remembered Mason's eyes weighed down heavily. It was the first time his twin brother seemed to outdo him. Rio was ready as was several of the others. There was no chalkboard or anything like that but I felt a choking in the air. I didn't know how to describe it really. The thick darkness of my life seemed circle over and over above my head. I could breath it in and clear my throat but there was still a dryness there.

Angelica hadn't cried for quite a time. I had gotten used to her tears and for some reason it felt sometimes that her tears were what made me sane. I felt if she cried that meant I wasn't the scared one.

Genesis Bah circled us. He was a predator feeding on anxiety, emotion and mental unpreparedness. There was a noticeable smirk on his face.

"There's a knife in front of you. I'd like you to cut yourselves."

I sat beside Brandon Ferris. Every time I saw Brandon he seemed to be even more berserk. I could hate him for being so brave.

Brandon took the knife ran it through his palm. He clasped his palm and coolly squeezed it. The blood dribbled down from his pinky and stained the wooden desk beside me. Brandon's eyes followed the blood and then looked back up at Bah, acknowledging once again that he was the first.

I knew then that I would not be the last.

I took the knife and followed Brandon's example. How had he managed to remain so calm? The sharp pain caused my lips to tense up and I bit so hard on myself that I swore I drew blood from someplace else.

"It hurts," Angelica stated.

Melody said something to her. I noticed in the corner of my eye that Melody had taken the blade from her cousin and cut both of them with it. I wondered if Bah had noticed but his back was turned to them. Angelica quickly quieted with whatever Melody said to her.

"Our magic source comes from a witch named Fatima. To appease her ancestors she took to sacrifice but had nothing to offer but blood. Fatima bled for 80 nights and when she could bleed no more she gave birth to a little girl. And when the girl came of***ge Fatima had more to offer and even that Fatima sacrificed to her ancestors."

"She killed her own daughter?" Victor asked.

He looked across the room as though wanting some sort of recognition for his surprise. I was surprised as well but after all I had seen this was the last thing of my worries what some lady did hundreds of years ago.

"The first blood sacrifice of our people and Fatima was rewarded. With the blood you shed just now you have all done your first sacrifice. Do not leave this room until the ancestors accept your sacrifice."

"How the hell would we know something like that?" Mason asked.

"You will be rewarded."

"What do you mean we will be rewarded. Hey—I'm talking to you. How will we know. Where the hell are you going?" Mason asked Bah.

Mr. Bah didn't answer though. I guess he felt like he didn't feel like he had to answer. Mason sighed loudly as Mr. Bah left the room slamming the door after him.

I sat there for ten minutes wondering what the hell would this even meant. I had cut myself probably deeper than I should have. The blood just kept pouring. Was this normal? I didn't understand. I looked across the room at the others. They were all still bleeding as well. I was amused to see Melody Atwood focusing as though she was in some sort of deep meditation. I could almost laugh at the fact though. She was even humming slowly. The other Atwoods followed suit to whatever she was doing and closed their eyes as well. Mason and I watched the Atwoods. We exchanged looks and the peeved expression on his face caused me to break out into a light laughter.

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