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Ichigo and Ishida are doing some errands for Mr. Urahara today in the shop today while they are out in the Soul Society today. When all of a sudden a girl in a bathing suit falls on Ishida on accident and a backpack hits Ichigo in the head.

"What the hell?! Huh?" says Ichigo, looking at the strange girl on top of Ishida.

"Ow ow ow. S-sorry. So sorry. " says the girl, she gets off of Ishida and helps him up.

"Watch where you're going-" starts Ishida

"Shut up, Ishida. She's just a kid. Can't you see that? I'd also like to see you control where your going when you're falling fifty feet in the air." says Ichigo

"That's all you got to say?! She hit you with a backpack and she's in a bathing suit! " says Ishida

"Hot concrete! Hot concrete! Aw man! I should've grabbed my flip flops before leaving! Ow! " says the girl bouncing around

"And she's probably out of it herself, she's not even wearing shoes! " says Ichigo

Suddenly the girl screams pointing at a monster like thing in the air.

"M-monster! Monster!" says the girl

Ichigo and Ishida turn around to see a big hollow in front of them.

"You can see that thing?!" they say in unison

"See it?! How can you miss it?!" says the girl

"Stay right here. " orders Ichigo

"Three tasty souls. I see a lucky little girl, a soul reaper soul, and a Quincy soul! It is my lucky day" says the hollow

"You don't have to tell me twice! Just don't let it eat me! It wants to take all our souls!" says the girl cowering in fear

Ichigo and Ishida are in shock that this stranger can understand him as well. Ishida gets out his Quincy bow and arrows, and Ichigo gets out Kon. He swallows Kon's soul candy and gets out Zangetsu.

"Kon! Stay with the girl and protect her!" says Ichigo, joining the battle.

"Right! Wait, what girl?" says Kon, he turns around and sees the strange girl he comes over and scoops her up. "Don't worry miss, I'll protect you"

"I don't really have a choice right now. " says the girl, burying into the guys chest.

Kon thinking about how lucky he is: "aw man, a cute girl like her looking at me as a hero! This is my lucky day"

"Kon! Get the girl inside!" says Ichigo

Kon sticks his tongue out at Ichigo and brings the girl inside of the shop making sure to stay away from the glass windows.

"Don't worry you'll be safe, nothing bad will happen to you. " proclaims a confident Kon

"I'm trusting you! Can I ask you a question?!" asks the girl

"Sure" says Kon

"What is that thing?!" asks the girl

"What thing?" asks Kon

"The monster the Orange haired boy and and black haired boy is fighting?" asks the girl

"You mean you can see it?" asks Kon

"Y-yeah" says the girl

"No way, she can see it but how? We know every soul reaper in the soul society and Ishida is the only Quincy left. Maybe she's like Chad and Orihime?" thinks Kon

The girl clings to Kon, terrified asking if he can protect her from that thing.

"It's a hollow, it is a bad soul that eats other souls. It won't come anywhere near you, I'll

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