Britt wasn't sure about this mission, but she'll do it anyways. She has her PDA on her and her backpack which the boys both penguin and turtle tease on calling it the "Backpack of doom" . Which is just fine with her, she laughs and agrees with it every which way. Half of the time she doesn't know what's in the backpack except for her laptop, chargers, and bow and arrows. She has her pokemon belt on her waist as always and her pouch for her kani. She applied to Fairmont State University and gets her a room. She sighs wondering how she's going to keep her secret mission a secret and keep her roommate safe. Her mission was to help the turtles get Karia back home safe and sound. Kowalski and Donnie would be keeping track of her movements and if Britt could get a tracker on Karai then they could track her too. There was a bug implanted into Karai's ear and they couldn't get her last time. She was said to head to Fairmont and made a mess of the campus several times. They don't know what Shedder was looking for but they had to keep her from getting it. If they could rescue her this time, it would be a bonus. She gets there with a number of stuff her roommate was there with her mother.
"Uh..hi" I say, going back to my shell quickly
"Hi I'm Lexie. This is my mom. My brother is helping get the rest of my stuff." says Lexie
"I'm Britt. It's just me, my older brothers had to go." I say
The eight of them on the other end of the earpiece grinned and blushed rubbing the back of their heads. They didn't know that Britt thought of them as brothers, but they did like it and found it sweet.
"So it's just you?" Asks Lexi
"Yeah. " I say, glad I'm wearing a coat to hide all of my battle scars.
"Aren't you hot in that coat?" Asks Lexi's mom
"A bit, but I'll be fine. Thank you though." I say
"Are you sure?" Asks Lexi
"Yes." I say
"Okay. Oh hey. I need to help my brother pack and I won't be here on the weekends. But we should have lunch sometime." Says Lexi
"Okay. No problem. It was nice meeting you both" I say
They smile and leave, I relax a bit and take off my coat and get my side ready, I put my tv in a good spot and everything else. I brought my tv and a number of my clothes from my house.
"Why is your coat on? Isn't it like 80, over there?" Asks Leo
"My scars on my body hasn't healed yet," And I can't say "Oh, I battle with turtles and penguins against a dog thing and sometimes a puffin or a dolphin. Then I end up getting wounded."
"Good point" says The boys
"Did you mean what you said? Were like brothers to you?" Asks Private
"Yeah, of course I did." I say, smiling
"Aw!" They all say
"What about me?" Asks Master Splinter, more curious than anything
"You're like a father to me." I say, turning red
"I see."says Master Splinter, smiling
"Sigh. Uh. yeah. So I better go to the whole Welcome Weekend thing. But if there isn't enough food I'm going to mcdonald's!" I say
"Fair enough" they say
"Just stay close to Fairmont, Lady Archer" says Skipper
"Got it" I say
They watched out for Kirai, making sure any movements of her were found, while I go to all the meetings for Welcome Weekend. So far so good there was no action from Karai or the foot clan at all. The camera's were really easy for Donnie to hack into, which is both good and bad for everyone. It was about a couple months before the foot clan alone attacked me, I was asleep in my room when someone broke into through my room. It was Razhor, he opened the window quietly but I woke up sensing his aura. I get out my kani and there was a battle there and he broke a shower rack.

At the College
AdventureBritt is back once again. In this one the penguins are helping the turtles to at least try to get Karai on the side of good again. If not get a tracker on her, for some reason Shedder has been attacking a school in Fairmont West Virginia. They know...