Adopted Wolf

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This is my first Wattpad story so I hope you like it.


My name is Demi Nightt. I have midnight black hair that goes down to mid back, brown eyes, about 5'3, tan skin, and a Spanish accent. I have lived in three different group homes and four foster home before my parents found me at the age of sixteen. By the time they found me I learned to hide my emotions and be a bad ass to people I don't trust and I don't trust easily. When I found out I was being adopted me being happy was an understatement. I looked at the papers in shock thinking who would adopt a teenage girl that has trust issues and not a little innocent bady girl. When I met them I decided not to bring it up. When we got to my new home is froze and my mouth drooped open. The house was huge, it was four stories and acers of land. We live in a small village called Sugarloaf. Since Sugarloaf is so small I have to go to school in a town called Warwick. My parents David and Hanna say I have two older brothers named Mark and Tom. I walk in the house with mom and dad to see a banner that says 'Welcome Demi' I smile and tears fall from my eyes. I see a many people that are my age, many that are younger and a lot of adults.

I say 'hi' to some people then go up to my room and unpack. I walk into my room and gasp. The room is painted a perfect shade of purple, there's a flat screen 3D T.V., queen sized bed, walk in closet, state of the art computer and laptop, mini couch's and window seat, my own little art corner, bookshelf's by my bed and a new skate board. I squeal and jump up and down like a five year old before jumping on the bed. I hear laughing and look up to see mom, dad, Mark, Tom, and two girls standing at the door. I get up and hug them

"Thank you so much." I say hugging them.

"Your welcome Demi, we are so happy that your here we love you." I tense at the word love and pull back to look at then with tears building up in my eyes. No one has ever said they love me.

"You love me?" I ask them as tears go down my face. Three group homes and four foster home I finally find a place where I am loved. Mom and dad nod and I cry tears of joy. Hugging them I whisper it back. "I love you guys too." we stay like that until I stop cry and pull back to see their faces are red too. We talk for some time and they tell me that Tom and Mark are taking my to the mall to buy all the clothes and whatever else I want. They give my a credit card and a Samsung Galaxy s5 phone. They give my one more hug then go back down stairs. They all walk into my room and we talk.

"Demi, this is my ma-girlfriend Lilly and that is Toms girlfriend, Annie." Mark said then I said hi and we left to the mall. In the car I stare out the window smiling like a idiot. When we get to I mall I drag them around until I find Hot Topic. I go in and they look at me life I have grow another head.

"What?" I ask them as I try and find a the mini skirts.

"Nothing, we just never would have though you would like Hot Topic." Tom said. I shrug and buy skirts, dresses, band tops and earrings. I go to pay and take out the creti card.I walk back out and see them all sitting on the bench.

"Hey guys." Mark and Tom look up and their eyes widen, Lilly and Annie smirk at me and I raise a eyebrow.

"How could just you buy all that?" They said at once. I shrug and then Annie spoke up.

"You go Demi, I knew I saw something good in you." They walk over to me and take the bags giving them to my brothers. Lilly and Annie link on to my arms and we start to walk. As we walk away I leave my brothers standing there before I say. "I'm just getting started guys." I go into Wet Seal, Deb, Cotton on, Macy's, and some other places. When we get back to the car it is so full from stuff I start to feel bad, Mark must of notice cus' he told me not to worry.

After we got home Annie and Lilly had to go home and my brother left with them. As I unpack my mom comes in. I smile when I see her face and she walks in more to look at all the bags.

"Wow honey those are a lot of bags." She said I laugh and we talk while putting away the clothes, jewelry, shoes, and video games. By the time we finish it's eleven and she tell's me to go to sleep because of school tomorrow.

I wake up in the middle of the night with the sudden feeling like I have to run. I look at the clock and it say one o'clock. I hop out of bed only wearing a crop top that says 'suck it' and booty shorts that say 'pink'. Climbing out the window, then running into the forest I hear a voice.

"Go farther, fast!" The voice said but it was all in my head, I'm going crazy. I run fast then ever before and farther, by the time I stop I'm in the middle of the forest where no one can see of hear me. Pain shoots up my back and I fall to the floor screaming. All my bones feel like they are breaking. My back feels like it is expanding and ripping my clothes to pieces. I scream as my body changes to something else something bigger. When the pain stops I stand up and notice paws not feet. I try and scream but it comes out as a howl. I go to a pond close by and look in it. I see a huge wolf with black and silver fur with brown eyes. Before I can try and more around more another wolf pounces on me. The other wolf is better at fighting then my so I easy lose. Somehow I got out of the wolfs grip and run, I run right to a dead end and see the other wolf running at me. I curl up in a ball waiting for my death to be quick. After a minute I look up ans see the other wolf starring at my with it's head tilted to the side. More wolfs came and I wimped in fear. I look at them and one says something.

"Shift." The middle one said. I shake my head and look at them, I have know idea how to shift. The wolf attacks me and I pass out.











Hey this is my first story so I hope you like it, vote and comment if you like it!

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