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Super overdone and i can count at least 10 other fics with the same idea and better writing trying :))

All charicters belong to the queen of queens Joanne (not actually part of ker name but its what the k stands for) Kathleen Rowling💫

-sass warning™
- words 1016

Im going to be so late snape is going to kill me, actually no he's going to take 50 points from griffindor, then kill me. I turn the corner to the potions corridor and immediately get a whiff of something. It smells like treacle tart, broomstick polish and.... Malfoy's cologne?

The closer I get to the room the stronger the smell gets, until im standing in front of potions completely engulfed in the intoxicating scent. I can't help but wonder if malfoy bathes in that cologne or if he actually spilled the whole bottle on the floor or something because its literally all I can smell.

I take a second to brace myself for the verbal abuse that is sure to spill out of Snape the second I walk in the door, then turn the handle.

"Mister Potter, you're 14 and a half minutes late, 50 points from Griffindor"


"What was that mr Potter ?"

"Yes sir"

"Thats what I thought"

I sigh loudly at the slimy old git and start trudging to my seat. I can't help but notice the smell is now so prominent I couldn't smell anything else if i tried, which I wouldn't because as unwilling as I am to admit this to anyone else, it's quite a pleasant aroma.

About halfway to my seat I finally ask "Malfoy how much cologne are you wearing the room reeks of it!"

The reaction is immediate. The sounds of chopping stirring and the scratching of quills all stop and everyone, including the sass queen™ himself, snape all stare at me with bewilderment.

I catch Malfoy's eyes and his whole face turns crimson, his mouth is hanging open, and his enormous silver pools widen with what I imagine to be shock and a dash of something else.

I break away from his pircing gaze and look at Hermione who's eyes look... Sympathetic? She clears her throat and says in a low voice,

"This is Amortentia harry"

I look at her, clearly confused and she gives me a sad smile.

"Its a love potion, it smells different for each person.... Based on what attracts them most."

I hear my books hit the ground before I realize I dropped them. I feel my face heating up and I do the only thing I can think of, run.

My head is whirring with thoughts but I choose to block them out, focusing instead on the steady pounding of my feet on the ground. I burst through a side door and find myself on the empty quidditch pitch. I only stop running when i'm at the far end of the field, and sit on the cold wooden benches. I make an attempt to catch my breath, my thoughts, and the little butterflies shooting out of my stomach into the chilled october air.

Oh god im so stupid. So incredibly unimaginably stupid. Not only did I tell the whole class AND SNAPE that I, the Griffindor Golden Boy, am in love? Lust? Feelings? with Draco Lucius Malfoy, (Yeah sure im in feelings with draco, even my thoughts don't make sense.) But I also told the one person I never wanted to find out, Draco.

It could be worse though. I could've accedentally told everyone that I've liked him since 1st year, or that sometimes I go to the library with 'mione just because I love seeing him there looking so at peace and serene, or that I get lost in his Gorgeous platinum eyes ever day. MERLIN THE EYES! If I had to pick my favorite thing about draco, well I couldn't, but near the top of the list would be his eyes. If you look closely you can always read his eyes, like a silver book. There is always that glint in his eyes, like he's just finished plotting to take over the world with kittens. Evil but adorable, just like him.

I've probably ruined what little (non-existent) chances I had with him though, embarassing him in class like that.

"Merlin I'm an idiot"


I whip around to see none other than Draco Malfoy, shifting awkwardly with a playful smirk on his face and a delicate tint on his cheeks and nose, holding a stack of books.

"Oh- I er... Didn't know you were there"


"Come to make fun of me I assume?"

"Maybe later scar-head I came to talk,  and you er- left these"

He smiles and sits next to me close enough that I can smell his cologne and sets the books down.

"Um.. I'm er- really sorry about this morning"

Oh god im stuttering. Can he hear my heart ponding? Merlin i'm glad he can't... I should just prepare for the worst taunting of my life, because i'm in no shape to fight back right now. He's not responding I probably weirded him out oh my gooooooosh im so stupid, SAY SOMETHING!




"You never asked me what  amortentia smells like to me"

"Oh" my heart skips a beat "what does it smell like to you?"

"Peppermint, the quiddich pitch, and apple shampoo"


"Harry you are the only dork in existence who uses apple shampoo" he says with a small chuckle.

"Oh..." I smile. I smile like the idiot I am. I feel my entire face go red. Apple red. For the first time during this conversation I look up at Draco, he's smiling, and his eyes are so bright they could replace the sun and no one would know the difference. He lifts my chin up,

And kisses me.

And suddenly everything makes sense. And everything falls into place. And all was well...


∆°∆ We hope youve enjoyed your ride on the feels express,
have a lovely day ∆°∆

*don't forget to comment and vote my lovesss <3*

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