the potions incident

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Oh wow a fic where ron isn't a jerk??

All characters owned by jk Rowling❤ (the queen)

-a short shot
- 911 words
-dedicated to AddictedToKlarolinee

💥Ronald Wesley's POV💥

It was potions class. I was having a chat with Harry about why Slughorn was late.

"Maybe he's making a coat out of Aragog's fur"

"No I definitely think he's knitting dumbledore slug club hand warmers"

We both start laughing our arses off until we hear the door burst open. Thinking it's slughorn I immediately stopped laughing and snapped upright and the class went silent for a second before coming alive again. I turn around to see Malfoy and his dimwitted sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle. I relax and turn back to harry who still looks tense and is sitting up straight like he's at tea with the queen.

"Oi mate, you okay?"

"Er, yeah um im good"

I continue our conversation about quidditch for a while after that, but quickly realize harry obviously isn't listening to me. He has a far away look on his face, like he's somewhere completely different. I follow his eyes, obviously wondering what could be more interesting than a play-by-play of the latest Harpies game and wasn't surprised when my eyes landed on a certain blonde Slytherin. He does this in every class we have with that bloke, stares at him like he holds the secrets to the universe, im supprised Malfoy hasn't noticed. But no, Malfoy seemed to be clueless. Harry talked about that little ferret so often that nothing harry could ever say about him would supprise me anymore.

"Hey, Malfoy"

Never mind. Harry had argued with Malfoy many times of course, but he had never spoken his name without any sort of poison in it, at least not to the ferret himself. Malfoy, who had been laughing rather loudly with his friends stopped and turned toward us


"You have a nice smile" harry blurted out

Silence blanketed the room. Harry's eyes grew wider than saucers and he slapped his hand over his mouth like he didn't believe what he had said and he didn't want whoever was inperius-ing him to speak again. That didn't surprise me. Harry is known to have a speak now think later mindset, being a Griffindor and all.

What did surprise me however was Malfoy, who always acted so posh, so cold, and so above everyone else blushed and looked away, something I had never, in my 6 years at hogwarts, seen him do. I was utterly mortified. Draco Malfoy who I'd always known to be a loathsome evil little cockroach was showing what looked to be real human emotions. Pansy on the other hand looked to be thoroughly amused.

Harry ,who had at this point come out of his trance, looked at Malfoy with an emotion i've never seen him wear before in his eyes. He bit his lip and said with a nonchalant shrug

"It's true though, you should smile more often"

If Malfoy was going to respond, he was cut off by Slughorn bouncing into the room and apologizing for his tardiness.

It was the night after the 'incident' and I was bounding back to the common room eager to tell harry what I'd just seen. My best mate had been acting utterly depressed since potions and every time we crossed paths with malfoy he would blush and start walking the other direction, apparently embarrassed by the whole fiasco.

"Chocolate frogs" I muttered to the fat lady before climbing into the griffindor common room and scanning for a head of unruly raven hair. Not finding it I continued on to the dormitories. I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw a harry shaped lump buried under the blankets.

"Mate, guess who I saw in the prefect's bathroom" I said, sitting on the end of his bed.

"I don't care"

"It was malfoy"

I heard a muffled groan from under the covers and pulled them back revealing a disheveled looking harry laying face down on his bed in golden snitch PJs and laughed as he threw a pillow at me.

"You'll never guess what he was doing"

"I don't want to know"

"I think you do" I smirked "he was smiling

"Smiling?" he said, his face softened and badly disguised intrest replaced the embarrassment on his face "really?"

"Yeah, really, smiling in the mirror like he was practicing it or something"

Harry snorted and a crooked grin broke out on his face "Do you think he'll do it more often now? Do you think it was because of er- me?"

"Oh Harry" was all I could get out before he grabbed a cloak and the marauders map and bolted out the door.

The next morning when I woke up harry was back. He was up early and was fixing his hair, something harry potter never does. He caught up with me on my way to the great hall and asked me how he looked

"Er, good?"

He bit his lip and looked down at his shoes. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah but why-"

I trailed off as we rounded the corner and found Malfoy there, pacing in front of the door.

"Oh um, hi Harry, weasel."

I glared at him and turned to harry who didn't seem to notice and was walking towards Malfoy.

"Morning Draco" he said, doing something that still shocks me to this day. he hugged Draco Malfoy.


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