chapter 4

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You put your uniform on and go downstairs
and see v eating and staring at you
Jackie:good morning
Elizabeth:good morning bitch
Sight naw bruh
Then V stands up and says
V:ok let's go
Jackie:but I haven't ate
V:let's go or no ride
You sign and Elizabeth gives you a bag where their were two donuts
You hug Elizabeth and go to the vehicle you guys are at school everyone whispering shit
Eliza:dont bother to waste your time on these hoes really like thier-
Girl1:what did you say bitch
Jackie:oh wait let me remeber uhh oh she said non of your business u bitch
Girl2:stop and who the hell are u
Jackie:especially not your ugly face
Girl3:oh ya babe come here please
Then you see this handsome dude come
Towards you guys
Guy:ya babe
Girl3:this bitch is saying I'm ugly and telling me shit and I'm really sad
She says trying to act cute as she hides her evil smirk
Guy:hi my name is jungkook and leave my girlfriend alone bitch
Eliza:no bitch your not talking like that to my sister so fuck off with your ugly ass girlfriend cause I swear I'll fight you V OPPA
V:oh what happen
Eliza:jungkook bullying me and unnie
V:jungkook stop bullying BITCH
Jk:make me
V punches jungkook
V:oh my god I'm sorry
Jk: WTF why the heck did you do that I thought we were friends and you just punch me only because of this girl oh my God Kim taehyung do you like this girl
V: no I don't and please just don't bother her anymore bro
Jk: why shouldn't I why can't I bother her
V: because she's my sister's best friend she's my girlfriend so yeah
Jackie blushes hard
Jk:oh hyung why did you not say that in the first place oh and what's her name
V:Jacqueline but you can call her Jackie
*Brinnng brinnng *
Eliza:bell rang let's go to our classes
Jackie:ok let's go
You guys go to your first 3 classes
Eliza:yes bruh lunch time
Jackie:I'm starving
Jackie takes out a 20 dollar bill
Eliza:ugh what are you doing
Jackie:paying for lunch?
Eliza:nope no need food is free but you can waste that money on junk food like chips and soda
You guys get lunch Elizabeth and you go take a seat Then Jackie sees Elizabeth turning red as a tomato
Jackie:what's wro-
Someone cut jackie off it was another freaking handsome dude
Boy:hey Elizabeth
Jackie:elizabeth you to are dating
Boy:and who are You?
Eliza:oh she's my best friend jacquelinne she is new here and Jackie were not dating Jackie meet jimin park jimin my other friend
Jackie:you guys look cute as a couple
Then you see V sit next to you and hugs Jackie
Jm:oh my fucking god you guys look cute together aw so adorable
Jackie:no we are-
V:adorable and she is my girlfriend
Jackie:no I'm not
Eliza:oh um jimin let's let these two love birds talk bye guys let's go jimin
Jm:ya your right bye
V:so jagiya
Jackie:I'm not your jagiya
You blush
V:why are you blushing
Jackie:o oh I I'm n n not b blushing
V:I love you be my girlfriend
Then he hugs you and gives you a note and runs
*I'm thinking about run from bts *
Jackie:cute well he did save my life from that jerk well why not I'll give him a chance
You open the letter and read it


I know you don't like me anymore but the thing I do know I don't like you I love you and pls accept and I'm sorry by the way how I rejected a beautiful and wonderful girl like you I was an idiot but now I want to treat you well and respect you you are the sun to my mornings my star of the night and well not my property but can you be my property yes or no

From:Alien V😍😘😗

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