The Proposal

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When July came around, it was thought to be a time of peace. Or, at least some peace, despite their hectic schedules.

So, when it was heard that their only vacation time was to be now spent on a job, it was infuriating. Plus, it was a job that was unspecified. Usually, they could prepare for their upcoming procedures, but that was not the case.

Basically, they were told to get some clothes together, and that they would be departing in an hour. Everyone was scrambling about, trying to rustle up clothes in the limited amount of time.

It was not specified how long they would be out, so presuming that it would be around three days, they brought four sets of clothes.

The clock read 5:45 am, fifteen minutes before they had to depart. So, the seven boys came down to the lobby where their manager waited for them. The schedule was hectic, being that they were only briefed about this, today. On their day off, too.

They all got in the car, ready to be sent off to the airport. As per usual, they picked their usual spots for the car ride. In the second row of seats, sat Namjoon and Seokjin. Then, in the third row, Yoongi and Hoseok. Left in the back of the car were Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin.

Jimin was between the other two, was conversing with Hoseok about what the trip could bring.

Jimin leaned forward, "I hope that whatever it is we are doing isn't very demanding, because we just got off of a tour."

"Yeah, I just wish that we could know where we're going," Hoseok added.

It was a bit worrisome to not know of their destination, but if it was to make ARMY happy, then so be it.

When the members arrived at the airport, they proceeded to meeting up behind their manager, as their things were getting unloaded from the car.

Their manager started to speak, "As you know, this has taken time out of your free time, however, it is for a good cause. We cannot disclose of what this may be, right now, but do know, you will see a significant change."

They looked around at each other, each sporting confused looks on their faces.

"Can we at least know where we are flying to?"

The manager did not give an answer, just to turn around to head to their gate. As they approached closer to the entrance, the shouts got louder. This was usual, but it would have been nice if they could get away from all of this.

Surrounded by fans and their bodyguards, they made it to their gate safely, and began to board the airplane.

The seats of the plane came in pairs, one pair on either side, until falling back to coach, which had three seats per section.

Everyone boarded the plane, taking their seats. Jimin took the last seat, near the back of first class. He pulled down the window cover, so that the sun would be out of his eyes. He then laid his head back against the head rest, content with the moment's peace from all of what has happened in the past four hours.

"Scoot over."

Opening his eyes, he saw Jungkook standing there, waiting for him to move to the next seat over. He complied, not caring too much, since he was tired and just wanted to sleep for the duration of the ride.

He picked up the armrest that separated the two chairs and slid to the seat closest to the wall and relaxed again. His mind shut off, as he fell into a peaceful sleep.

Jungkook put his earbuds in, listening to some English songs. He looked over to see a beautiful sight. Jimin had his head tilted back slightly, mouth partially open, breath coming out steadily, as his eyebrows furrowed. He was so entranced that he didn't notice that his head fell to the side, onto his shoulder.

His body jumped a little, but not enough to wake him up. A slight blush rose on his cheeks, but darkened at the possibility of Jimin waking up, only to see Jungkook looking at him with so much admiration. This was normal, Jungkook had to remind himself. It wasn't anything new for his hyung to fall asleep on the airplane, and lay his head on his soldier. So, why was he nervous?

He tried to focus on his music again, looking away from the sleeping man, but no matter how much he tried to focus on the music, his find kept falling to the man resting on his shoulder. Even if he focused on the lyrics, he could only see him and Jimin in them.

His cheeks flushed deeper, thinking of everything.

After a little while, his emotions settled, and he was lulled into sleep, as well.

He could feel someone shaking him, saying, "Wake up, we have to go."

He looked up to see a patch of blonde with some glasses on his face, 'A very cute look,' Jungkook thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes from sleep.

"Okay," he mumbled softly.

He stood, taking Jimin's hand, heading off of the plane behind the other members. His mind was still groggy from being asleep, and disoriented from the time zone, because it was now night. Exiting the airport, a cool breeze hit, waking him up fully.

They were on what was meant to be the main highway, now, driving down the road. The only thing was, was that there were no lights on this road, so it looked like they were driving to the middle of nowhere. Which was a little unsettling.

Noticing the discomforting atmosphere, Jimin took hold of Jungkook's hand again. Jungkook, who was facing the window lazily, looked over at their hands, hoping that his blush couldn't show in the dark car.

They stayed like that for the rest of the ride to their hotel. When they checked in, they were informed by their manager that they would know of what the plans were for their vacation in the morning.

For now, they just needed to get some rest, because it would be a busy day, starting in the morning.


Hi, this is my first Jikook fanfic and I've finally decided to start writing again. I've really wanted to write this for a while, so I hope you look forward to it.

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