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I giggled at the remark my friend Brett had made in the Skype Chat. I paused the video game I had been playing and stretched out in my creaky old rolling chair. I looked at my old cat Kindle, who lay asleep on my computer desk next to my keyboard. I stroked his long fur, my hand followed the curves of his back. Kindle's bright yellow eyes opened as he began to pur. The maine coone cat attempted to get up, but his weak legs wobbled and he laid back down. Kindle's chest heaved as he took long, drawn out breaths. I frowned slightly as my cat rolled over on his side. I continued to pet him, his purring felt distant as I pressed my hand lightly against his chest. Taking off my headphones, I pushed myself up and out of my comfortable chair and picked up Kindle from the desk. I walked over to my bed a few feet away from my desk and laid him down on one of my pillows at the head of my bed.

Glancing back at my desk, I walked back over turning my computer monitor off before making my way back over to my bed and laying down beside my cat. I leaned over Kindle and grabbed my phone off of the end table next to my bed. Readjusting myself in my bed, I put my arm around my cat, as I began to scroll through my phone. I checked various apps and scrolled through my Facebook newsfeed.

"Lex?" My mother's voice rang from behind the door, a sort of cheerful tone exasperating from her words. The doorknob turned left and right, locked. I ignored her call for a few moments, continuing to stare at my phone screen before I put my phone down and shifted on my bed, Kindle now fast asleep under my arm.

"Yeah?" I questioned, and took my arm off of the old cat to push my strawberry blonde hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"You have class tomorrow, right?" she asked from behind my bedroom door.

"Yeah, at like twelve-thirty" I answered. I picked my phone back up and unlocked it, I looked around for the alarm app before swiping up and clicking on the clock application. I turned on my alarm for twelve and locked my phone again. I shifted around my bed once more, tightened my arm around Kindle and then closed my eyes. It felt like hours before I finally fell asleep, laying there with my eyes closed I felt the rise and fall of Kindle's breaths on my arm as I began to finally drift asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I still felt my furry friend underneath my arm, I smiled before opening my eyes and I grabbed my phone. I looked at the time and saw that it was only a few minutes before it was going to go off. My phone vibrated in my hand as a notification popped up at the top of the screen.

"Hey Lex, you up?". I clicked on the app and quickly responded.

"Yeah, I just woke up actually," I rolled on my back and sat up, hunched over and looking at my phone as Victoria, one of my best friends began typing back. Three dots symbolised her typing and I waited impatiently as she took a few minutes.

"Good, the bus just picked me up. You're late," My eyes widened as I read the message and jolted up from the bed. Scaring my cat awake, I threw my phone back on the bed and began ripping off the clothes I went to sleep it. I tore open my closet and ripped a baby blue short-sleeved crewneck shirt and a pair of black jeans off of the hanger. I pulled the shirt over my head and struggled to get my arms through the sleeves. Shoving one leg at a time into my pair of pants, beginning to pull them up my legs. I yanked on the jeans as they stopped moving up my legs. I sucked in my stomach and jumped around my room attempting to get them up around my waist. Finally when they were on, I pulled up the zipper and looped the button before I grabbed the closest pair of shoes being slippers and threw them on. I finally grabbed my bag from the corner of my room and ran over to my bed picking up my phone and shoving it in my bag. I lightly kissed Kindle on the head before I ran to my bedroom door. I unlocked the door and swung it open. I ran to the front door opened it, ran out and slammed it behind me. My feet carried me out of my yard and down the street as fast as they could. I saw the public bus in the distance beginning to close its doors and pull away.

Little Me and Little You ♡ ChaoticMonki/CryaoticWhere stories live. Discover now