Chapter 1

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It had been Friday, I woke up with a pounding headache and when I had pushed myself up out of my bed, that's when I saw it. The small ern with the six letter name engraved on the front of it, his cat collar clipped around it. My heart felt like it had dropped to the bottom of my stomach, on top of that my stomach felt as though it was in knots. My hand suddenly shot up to my mouth, covering it as I jumped up from my bed, ran out of my room and into the bathroom. For once my father's tendency to leave the bathroom toilet up came in handy. I leaned over the toilet and began throwing up, tears streamed from my eyes. I grabbed toilet paper from the roll and wiped my mouth, standing up from the toilet, I closed the top and flushed it.

"Are you okay?" My mother asked from the doorway of the bathroom. I wiped my mouth again and threw the now crumpled up piece of toilet paper into the bathroom's trash can. "I'm sorry honey," my mother apologized moving closer to me as I began washing my hands, I felt her hand touch my back and I flinched away.

"What did they say was wrong with him?" I asked blankly, scrubbing my hands with lemonade-scented hand soap.

"Oh-uh-the Vet said um.. He was just very sickly," My mother stumbled.

"Sickly how? He was just old," I remarked drying my hands and turning to her.

"He had many problems Lexy," My mother answered.

"No he didn't, he was fine," I snapped. "He was just old, he was never sick, he was in perfect condition for his age," I added as my eyes began to well up with tears once more.

"Honey he was old, we couldn't keep him forever," My mother sympathized.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked rubbing my eyes and slightly stepping away from her.

"Your father was getting sick of having an old cat, there is no use all he did was lay around," My mother explained.

"He wasn't sick was he?" I asked.

"Honey..." My mother frowned.

"There was nothing wrong with him was there? You two just decided you would take my cat to the vet and put him down?" I accused, my voice beginning to raise.

"Don't say that!" My mother yelled.

"But that's what happened? Because you got sick of him, and because you're twenty-two year old cared about him more than I care about you?" I snapped. Suddenly my mother's hand flew up and backhanded me across my face. I gasped, grabbing my face and stepping backwards.

"Don't you dare ever raise your voice to me," My mother stated before leaving the bathroom and walking down the hall to the kitchen. I stood there in shock for a few minutes, before shutting off the light in the bathroom and walking back to my room. My right cheek throbbed and when I looked into the mirror I saw a splotchy red hand mark on my cheek. I rubbed it before sighing and sitting down in my computer chair, I leaned back and stared at the ceiling for a few moments. That was when tears began flowing down my face, I sat there and cried for what felt like forever, my breathing heaved as I sobbed silently. Finally once I had regained my composure I readjusted myself in my chair and turned on my computer. I glanced at the urn and slightly rotated it on the desk.

Once my computer had finished loading up, I opened up Skype. I looked at any notifications I had gotten while I was asleep. I answered some of them and ignored others before I finally closed out of Skype and opened up a browser tab and typed . I was redirected to the page and began scrolling through the various video listed on the home page. Finally I clicked on a video by ChaoticMonki I hadn't realized it was a live stream video, and when I finally had I clicked on the link in the description. My browser loaded the new page and I logged into Twitch, the platform he used to stream. My username for the account had been Kinkshame, a username I had used for my Tumblr. There were not very many people in the stream yet, I looked at the chat and moused over to it, clicking on the chat box.

"hi," I typed.

"Hello!" Chaotic greeted, his fans commonly referred to him as Cry though.

"how are you cry?" I asked.

"Good! You?" he responded.

"Ok" I answered. Finally the stream began and he loaded up a game of Worms Revolution that he was going to play with his friend Russ. I played with my long ginger hair, braiding small strands and combing them out with my fingers. When the two were done playing Worms Revolution, they began a segment called Wind down hour. This was where Cry picked someone random from the stream and invited them to a Skype call. Cry suddenly started chuckling into his mic.

"What?" Russ asked.

"Their name- their name is-" Cry spoke through his giggles.

"What is their name?!" Russ groaned.

"Their name is Kinkshame!" Cry laughed. I looked up from my lap and my mouth slightly hung open, as I stared at the screen.

"What?" I asked aloud, before looking at the chat where I saw a private message pop up.

"Hey! My Skype name is -----------" Read the message. I suddenly opened up my Skype tab and typed in the username, I quickly sent a friend request and readjusted myself in my seat. I was still taken back by me being picked, I anxiously waited for the friend request to be accepted as I began biting my nails. Finally the request had been accepted and in minutes I had gotten a Skype call from Cry.

"Uh, hello, friend." his creamy voice spoke.

"Hey!" My voice squeaked, Cry chuckled.

"You probably know who I am, what's your name, Kinkshame?" He asked.

"My name is Lexy" I answered with a chuckle,

"I'm gonna call you glowworm!" Cry replied, I giggled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of your hair and your eyes are so bright," He remarked.

"Oh yeah," I commented, looking at my profile picture which had been Kindle and I.

"So are you going to college? Assuming you're not one of those 12 year olds who look like they're 20!" He questioned. I let out a giggle, Nodding as if he could see me.

"Yeah I am, I go to FKC. I'm an english major there," I answered.

"Oh that's awesome! You live in Florida too?" Cry asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Do you still live with your parents?" He questioned.

"Can't wait to leave." I responded.

"How come?"

"Well, you know I'm 22 and anxious to leave," I joked. After that we began talking more about our lives and making jokes about various things which were either game related or simply poking fun at each other. Before we knew it the stream was over, we said our goodbyes and he ended the call. That night I fell asleep on my desk. When I woke up, I had noticed Brett had sent me a message. I clicked on the notification and saw that it had been a few files, clicking on them to download them. I then shifted my gaze at the recent conversations tab in Skype and noticed that Cry had still had me added.

Little Me and Little You ♡ ChaoticMonki/CryaoticWhere stories live. Discover now