29 ( Minnesnowda)

104 2 6

"Willow POV"

Well uh it's snowy as fuck out and were waiting for Connor's mom to pick us up i hope she's okay

"Good thing we wore some warm clothes i forgot it was Winter over here" Connor handed me a hot choclate.

" i miss everyone." i sighed.

" it wil be fine , look here vlogg it will take your mind off of it" He smiled and handed me my camera i turned it on "hey guys what's up Willow here... We are back in Minnesnowda and it's a blizzard out side the high is 1, i repeat to you that the high is 1... da hell? i miss everyone in L.A and i miss the heat but hey it's for the best. Connor say hi and explain what we are doing." i pointed the camera to him as i sat down

"weee are sitting in the Minnesota Airport waiting for my mom to pick us up then i think were going out for dinner." he smiled at the thought of food. Connor's mom was out side so we grabbed our bags and went out the door "Ahh see  what we have to deal with" i said to my camera as i vlogged through the storm. Gonna have fun editing tonight.

When we got home the snow stopped a lot and we surprized Papa Franta he was so happy. We decided to stay home and order chinese it turns out the only one living at home was Brandon so that's cool. We walked into the house and i ran up to Connor's room it was very different now.

"babe!" i called Connor's name he came running

"yeah" his voice echoed on the stairs he saw what i saw. it was beautiful

"It's so pretty!" He exclaimed. i nodded

"We made a room for a little certain someone too" mom popped out behind us. Yes i call her mom now.

"follow me" she went over into the other rooms there was 3 bedrooms downstairs the other 4 were upstairs Connor pretty much lived in the basement , Nicola, Dustin and Brendon slept up stairs but those two moved out.

"awwwwh Madi's room is adorable, Connor look" i awwed in every way possible. so did Connor

"Your going to be great parents" Mom said i smiled at Connor but he was already smiling at me this made me blush.

"Thank you  Mom" Connor said looking around the room smiling.

I decided to vlog and give my viewers a little tour of Madison's room.

"Heey guys what's up it's Willow and we are in Minnesota , we  didn't go out for dinner we ordered chinese .. say hi Momma Franta" i pointed my camera at her

"hello." she waved and giggled

"what about me" Connor rested his head on my shoulder.

"ohhh yes say hi babe" i looked at him he kissed my cheek

"hi babe" he smirked and walked away i rolled my eyes playfully and Mom giggled.

"Annyways i wanted to show you Madi's room so here we go" i walked around explaining wat stuff was and ranting about me being pregnant blah blahh blaaaaaah.

--- 10:37p.m ---

I was on my laptop with Connor when skype popped up.

It was Jc.

"Hi Jc" Me and Connor said to Jc at the same time.

he didn't answer. we heard eavy breathing in the back ground.

"maybe he accidently hit the skype button and he's crying?" i asked Connor

"No i think he's having sex and he hit the button with his foot." Connor whispered

"Jc it's Willow'' i yelled the heavy breathing stopped and his camera came on

"uhh the laptop is talking and a gorgeous girl is on screen" he murmered to te other person. He was high

"Jc it's Willow! What are you doing who is that?" i lectured he paused

"uhh i think it's Jenn" I looked at Connor and his mouth was open

"Jenn?" i asked he nodded and pulled her ead out from under the blanket she punched him and she didn't look high or drunk.

"Jenn, why would you drug him and have sex with him... that's a form of rape" i reasoned

she started to cry

"Because Ricky won't have sex with me until were married and Jc got himself high he's doing drugs to help himself with his depression please don't tell Ricky !!!! WILLOW PLEASE" she cried

"Jc? your doing drugs?" i choked

"What else do you expect me to do , the love of my life left me now what?" He shrugged obviously not knowing what he's saying.

"i'm sorry that i couldn't save Lia but drugs aren't the answer and it gets bette- I wasn't talking about Lia... i was talking about you Willow. Jc cut me off I was in shock , Jenn was in shock and Connor was mad

"Your lying.... your just trying to make me feel bad and make this my fault" i started to cry

"No, i'm telling the truth sorry Connor but i love her and i know she loves me back... rigt Willow?" he questioned i froze i didn't love Jc this way i loved im like a brother , a friend not a boyfriend or husband but if i tell him he will do more drugs and eventually kill himself and this time it will be my fault. before i could say anything Connor grabbed the laptop and started yelling at Jc

"Look Willow clearly doen't love you that way. your a sick jerk okay here you are fucking Jenn,by the way Jenn i'm telling Ricky. But jc you told everyone you were inlove with Lia , now your inlove with Willow and your having sex with Jenn get help and don't talk to me or Willow every again." and with that he closed the tab of skype and threw the laptop on the floor. I was curled up in the blanket crying Connor came and cuddled me into him

"what's on your mind babe?" he rested him chin on my head while i was pulled into his chest , his hands down on my bottom.

"It's all my fault that he's doing drugs and since i don't love him he's going to do more drugs and die" i sobbed quitel. Connor sighed

"i knew Jc liked you but i didn't know he loved you" Connor admitted i nodded

"I hate it i hate this drama. i just want to sleep with you and never wake up" i whispered Connor looked down at me

"No, your not leaving me are you that selfish , your not taking this baby down with you." he said in a shock tone.

i nodded and apologized.

"Connor, i don';t think it's just one baby" i said uneasy

"Didn't you go for an ultra sound?" he asked

"No i did this little gender test and it came out as a girl but it said that it doesn't work for twins i just think based on my size at 5 months i'm the size of 7 months." i ranted

"we can ask the family doctor tomorrow i'll get mom to schedule an appointment" he hugged me tighter

"you sure?" i questioned

"mhm" he answered in a sexy raspy tone

"i love you Connor Franta , i really do" i kissed is chest and i felt him smirk

"I love you to Willow Fretin" he kissed my lips softly.

we fell asleep.

~ SOOO how do you think Jc deals with Willow not loving him , how do you think Ricky handles Jenn being a slut ANNNNND how many babies and what gender do you think Willow will have?





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