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AND BE WARNED THIS IS PROBABLY CRAPPY LOL! I am new to writing these kinds of stories XD


Huh! Where am I? I yelled as I struggled to get up. My body felt heavy I couldn't seem to lift my self from the spot I was laying.

Ah Yes, another voice said to me. Moving will be quite impossible... The drug I gave you will act as a paralyzing agent. What!! I yelled!! What do you want with me let me go!! I shouted! And continued to struggle.

I would explain the voice replied again but sadly it's too late it's already begun...

What's begun? I thought to myself confused. Suddenly, I felt something wet touch my foot. I looked down to see what looked like a tentacle it was slowly advancing up my body.
I started to scream in horror but was abruptly cut off. The tentacle plunged its self into my mouth blocking the sound from coming out. In fear, I panicked and bit down on the creature hoping to cause it to back out... But that was a mistake... It suddenly shot a large amount of strange fluid into my mouth leaving me no room to spit it back up. With no other option, I began to drink it... It was sweet... Kinda tasted like syrup... 

     While I was drinking I didn't seem to notice the other tentacles starting to cover my body. One rapped its self around my stomach, one round each of my legs, and one round each of my arms.
Suddenly I felt my body starting to turn warm... The tentacle in my mouth backed off leaving me craving for more of that syrupy fluid... Then it hit me like a boulder. My body started to ache and my face started to burn red.. What is happening to me? I started to once again..panic. I tried to scramble away but couldn't it was gripping me too tightly. Suddenly I felt a tentacle slide into my boxers. No! I yelled don't!! Ah!! I felt it slowly start to wrap around me... As it released more fluid. This time it was a slick like fluid. As it did this it started to vibrate making me start to feel even more aroused. N-st...ah!! I couldn't get the words out of my mouth anymore... My mind felt like it was starting to go numb to the experience...
Until suddenly I felt a tentacle slip its way into to the back side of my boxers. At the same time, the tentacle from early returned and pushed its way Into my mouth. It started to resales the liquid from earlier again and I couldn't get myself to refuse. I drank the sweet liquid as I felt the other tentacle slowing start to wet my butthole... N-! I started to squirm but there was no getting free. The liquid started to flow more heavily and the vibrating filing started to pick up more as if the monster was trying to keep my mind away from what it was actually doing... Ah!! I felt the sound slip, and I felt some of the liquid seep out of my mouth...
It felt amazing I started to have trouble understanding why I was so scared in the first place... Then the tentacle slid inside of me... Ah!! Wait st- but the tentacle started to push forward going deeper into my body..the tentacle that was in my mouth left me again... This time sliding to the opening. The other tentacle continued to push forward until it hit my prostate... I felt myself start to moan and I started to cum. I wanted to cum but the tentacle that was vibrating me at one point had slid inside and was blocking me from cumming. The tentacle continued to slide up against my prostate stimulating it to the point I felt like I was going to die if I couldn't release any pressure.

I felt the tentacles around my legs start to tighten the grasp and were pulling my legs open wider. I gasped as I saw more tentacles starting to slide inside my body. Three were Now inside and were all heading for my prostate. I felt as the two new tentacles reached it and started stimulating and releasing more fluids into my body. Ah!!! Stop!! There is too... Much I can't take anymore!! Almost as if the tentacles could understand the one blocking me slipped out!! And finally, I was able to release fluids.
But something was odd the tentacles stayed where they were and for some reason, my body wouldn't stop cumming.......


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