crushes forming (Richie's pov)

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It was 3 years before the whole Pennywise thing, Eddie and I were 10 years old.

    I walked to lunch with Eddie and Bill "Hey Eddie," I said looking at Eddie "meet me at the swings". Eddie looked at me "sure" he smiled and we were at the cafeteria. We found a place to sit, as far from Henry as possible. Of course, the worst place to sit, all you could smell was trash and body oder.

     "I hate it over here," I groaned and sat down "it sucks" I looked at Eddie and Bill. "I-it's not that b-bad" he said studdering. "Fuck yeah it is" I said giving him the 'are you serious dude' look, Eddie was doing the same. "Hey Losers" a horrible voice said, it was Henry Bowers.

"Fuck off Bowers" I say looking at him, dead in the eye. "What are you gonna do" he laughed, Henry towered over Richie and Eddie, he was at least 5'6 and only 10 years old, as Richie was 5'2 and Eddie was 5'0.

  Henry grabbed a milk carton and dumped it on Eddie, he took the grossest thing he could find from the tray and shoved it on my face. "MULLET WEARING BASTARD" I shoved my tray onto him

After lunch I got out before Eddie, who was in the bathroom with a towel getting all the milk off. I stood by the swings waiting. And of course Henry came over, to finish what he started. "Hey loser" he said and prepared to beat me up. When I turned around, I couldn't even say anything. He had punched me, right in the middle of my face. "MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE" I picked up a rock and threw it right at his head. Eddie walked out, he had no more milk in his hair and saw Henry beating me.

Eddie quickly ran over there and threw more rocks at him "LEAVE HIM ALONE" I had needed to talk to Eddie, to explain I felt weird around him, I now knew why, I loved him, not like he was family, like he was more.


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