(WIP) after the pennywise situation (still Richie's pov)

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The day after we fought Pennywise was like any other day, except we had just fought a clown the night before. I wrote Eddie a note, which read "Eddie, I really really like you, you're awesome, I am glad to have you as a friend, I'm lucky to have you too" I didn't sign it, I didn't want Eddie to think I was weird.

Later that day, we all met up at the cliff. I snuck the note into one of his front pockets without him noticing. Nobody questioned me, so nobody else noticed either! I made sure Eddie didn't know, "Eddie, what's that paper, is it a note from your mom" I say trying to act as normal as possible. He grabbed my note and reads, "no, it's a letter, I'm assuming from one of you guys", I looked at him, "read it to us". He read "Eddie, I really really like you, you're awesome, i am glad to have you, and I'm lucky to have you too" he paused, "It kinda sounds likes a love letter" Eddie looked up "how did you notice it, I didn't even notice it!" He looked up at me, Bill looked at me "Richie, come with me" he grabbed my wrist and walked off "you wrote that letter! I know you did" he smiled, I looked away "NOOOOO I didn't" I walked back to the others and Bill followed "Hey, Eddie, Rich, come with me" Bill had an evil grin, I glared at him. Eddie nodded and I sighed "fine Billy" we walked with him, "where are we going" Eddie asked and looked at me then Bill. I shrugged and Bill stayed quiet. We got to a closed off area "why are we hear" I looked at Eddie, "you guys stay here, I want Richie to tell you something!" He ran off, "what..." He looked confused. I grabbed his face and leaned in, I kissed him, he kissed back shockingly. When I pulled away Eddie looked up at me then his his face in my chest "Eddie, what's wrong, you hated it didn't you" I said breaking,. Eddie shook his head "I loved it, I just- I never thought my first kiss would be Trashmouth!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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