Months later, "Vernon,make sure to take care of yourself and eat more. You have been so skinny."gabbled Mrs Choi as she was getting ready to go to work.As usual Vernon hugged his family members before going to his company. Vernon wore casual clothes and opened his car's trunk to put his suitcase and a bag.Within a minute, he drove to Pledis building. He was going to Japan with two idol groups which he doesn't know,except for his members. They were going to Japan for a vacation and to record a reality show. "Yo yo, Vernon in the house. He's back with his swag on."shouted Seungkwan while the others boys welcomed him with beatbox and drums sounds.Vernon got embarrassed by their welcome song and smiled endlessly,he was surely Glad that he was back. "LETS GO TO JAPAN!"roared Mingyu. "Hyung,do you know who are the other groups that's staying with us?"asked Vernon putting his seatbelt on. Jihoon told Vernon that the two groups are ioi and Up10TION and that all of them will be living together in a big house.
Vernon was excited that the three groups would be living together and Vernon was especially happy to meet and see Somi. "WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR BAG AND WHY ARE YOU BRINGING 5 SUITCASE!"shouted Zhou as she was struggling to help Doyeon carrying her bag and suitcases.Doyeon made a heart shape finger and smiled at aZhou. Sohye acted strong and insisted to help Doyeon carry her bag and helped her with one suitcase. When Sohye was about to carry Doyeon's bag, she almost fall down. "Yah,do you bring rocks? We are only going to stay for 1 Month and some days.Put Some stuff back."urged Sohye. Doyeon acted like she heard nothing and wore a sunglasses and a hat.ioi was the first group to step into the house. The girls made a lot of noise and dance d around. The house was so big that it could fit many people and it looked like a modern house in America.
Left Photograph / Vernon x Somi
RomanceVernon and Somi are childhood friends but they have never met when they grew up. When they were young,they got separated and they don't even know each other's name. What happens when fate makes them meet again? They have become idols and the worse t...