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Alonso: You and I will only be Young once let's not aut like we're already old working hard is so terribly tiring let's put all of those worries on hold

if ypu take a good loog all around you there's a kingdom for us to explore you'll see sights which will surely astround you starting with the guy giving the tour

so take my hand come and dance cross the land spend a day in the sun for your sake you must take a small break and feel Free to have fun

(instrumental Bridge)

It is so ver tough for se royal oh, I Know just what you're going through let me save you from allí of that toll a day off must be way overdue

Elena:I'll take your hand and we'll dance cross the land spend a day in the sun
Alonso:for your sake you can take a short break

Both: and feel Free to have fun

Elena:a little four

Alonso: see the shore and much more

Elena:spend a day in the sun

Alonso: Such a day in the sun stay auhile and we'll step out in sun

Both:feeling Free to have fun

Elena: I feel Free

Alonso: feel Free

Both: to have fun

Hola a todos perdón por la demora de no actualizar tan seguido pero les pronetoque eso ya no va a suceder más así que antes de irme quisiera mandarles un gran saludo pero especialmente a  Faviloin espero que les guste la historia y sin más que decir nos seguiremos leyendo en otra canción hasta la próxima

CANCIONES DE ELENA DE AVALORDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora