2. late night shift

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I got up and rubbed my eyes and then picked up my phone

Lydia- won't be in for 3 weeks

Me- ok bye gtg

I got up and realised

I can see without my glasses


I reached for my glasses and when i put them on

My vision was blurry

What on earth

I put my glasses down and got up walking into my bathroom and turning on the shower and taking my clothes off and taking my hair out

I got in washing my hair and body then turned the shower off and put on some undergarments and then dried my hair

I walked to my closet and got a shirt and jeans and a jacket

I put on some addidas trainers and then put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs into my kitchen and living room

I made myslef some toast and got a bottle of water

I walled imto my bathroom and pulled uo my shirt and pulled off the bandage and saw the bite was still there

I put another band aid on it and when i ate i washed my dishes and got my apartment keys and walked out then started my walk to school

But for some reason I felt like running and i ran 20 minutes there

Oh my god

I sighed again and walked in going to my locker when I felt someone bump into me

'OH MY GOD I'VE GOT NERD GERMS' jessica said and everyone started looking at us and i felt anger boil

'Aw is she getting angry need your mommy oh wait you don't have one' jessica said and i started breathing heavily and i swear i growled


And just then I swung at her right in her jaw a loud crack evolving through the hallway

I heard footsteps behind me and i ducked before the bitch could hit me and pushed her up against the locker

'Come at me again I'll break your damn neck' i hissed

What is going on with me

I'm never violent

I heard quiet footsteps behind me and i grabbed the persons hand, twisting it and pushing her down to the floor and stepping on her neck and there it was again

I growled


I let go of her and started running


I heard something whizzing through the air and before it hit me I turned around send grabbed it

It was a football and i looked down the hallway


Him and his friends eyed me and i gulped

Just then the bell rang and i ran to my class and sat at the back and stuck my nose in a book untill lunch

I tried to call and text Lydia but she wouldn't answer and then I heard more clicking and clacking


'YOU BROKE MY JAW' she yelled stopping infront of me

'AND I'LL BREAK SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE' i yelled gripping the table and she walked away and I looked down and saw scratches on the table

What I don't even have nails

Whats going on with me today

My back started hurting and i laid my head on the table until i felt someone watching me and i looked up to see Asher again

I slowly got up and walked outside and made my way to the library and sat there until it was home time


As soon as the bell rang I ran out the library doors and started making my way to the cafè


I pulled out my phone and called Melissa

'Hey sweetie' she said

'Hey Melissa i may be about 20 minutes late I'm in the library im just finishing off home work' i lied

'Yeah ok but don't forget your locking up' she said

'Yeah bye' i said and she hung up and i made my way to the woods I was at last night

Ok so i dropped my keys here

I went to get them and found them and then something from there jumped onto me

But that's like 20 feet away

What can jump so high

I shook my head and started walking back to the cafè and when i got in Melissa hugged me

'Ive served everyone you've got my number call if there's a problem and lock up at 9 bye' she said

'Bye Melissa' i said and put on my apron and waited until 9

The cafè soon became busy but by 8 it died down except for that couple on the corner that have been here for hours

When it was almost 9 the door bell rang and i was cleaning the table and when i turned around

I froze

Asher and his friends were standing there.....

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